Half-Elf Species in Cilladion | World Anvil
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Human and Elvish pairings are somewhat frequent in New Cadrith, leading to a great many people of half-elvish heritage. Natural wanderers and free spirits, half-elves are rarely hard to find.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Half-elves are lean closer to the human side than the elvish side of their heritage, being closer to human height, and less slender. Indeed, the difference between a half-elf and human is more difficult to distinguish, being mostly in the facial features, and the half-elf's magical resistances and perception. Half-elves forgo the long life of their elvish cousins, living just slightly longer than humans. However, they are far less susceptible to cold Winters like their elvish ancestors, and as a result, much better suited in New Cadrith.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Half-elves, like half-orcs, often choose to follow closer to their human or elvish heritage, with most taking a human preference. Most half-elves are filled with a natural wanderlust, and rarely settle with their own families, but those who do are free-spirited, if a little distracted, parents. Freedom and liberty are common features in half-elvish societies. There is little in the way of family honour or pride, except in those half-elves raised closely to their elvish parents.

Facial characteristics

Half-elves have sharper and slighter facial features than humans, often with a tinted skin of their elvish heritage, and nearly always with elvish eyes. The ears are sharp, even more so than a Danshou human, and half-elven hair is similarly tinted in colours often beyond human limits. On the human side, more rounded eyes and fuller facial hair are inherited, leading to many half-elves to favour beards to differentiate themselves from full blooded elves.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Half-elves can be found anywhere where humans or elves reside, which is generally everywhere - from Great Cities, to woodland towns, to beyond the Curved Spine. Half-elves are infamous wanderers, taking advantage of their natural talents to forge their own path beyond their ancestry.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

As with most Cadrithic Peoples, the Cadrithic Pantheon is the most common faith for half-elves, who favour the freedom of the Quintarchy of Change - favoured Gods include Armagna, God of Magic, Lyrich, God of Plots, Nocthys, God of the Sea, Reyn, God of Natural Change and Mapata, God of Peace.
  The Tsaedo is also frequently followed by half-elves seeking to connect with their heritage, with a rich range of ancestor spirits. More detached and isolationist half-elves instead follow the tenets of the Finality.


Half-elves are a hybrid ancestry from long before Old Cadrith's fall, and continued across the sea into New Cadrith. They have always occupied the gap between elvish and human cultures, and while can often be forgotten amidst the achievements of the other two, half-elves have made excellent explorers and cartographers through the history of the Cadrithic Peoples. They most often use practical equipment and artistry from across a wide range of other cultures, not feeling beholden to any specific cultural practice - though many half-elves looking to stay to their elvish roots will take up traditional elvish tools, like the katana.
  Half-elves are more common than full elves, and only just less commonplace than halflings and dwarves - and while many people confuse half-elves for their human and elvish cousins, most folks can count upon meeting a half-elf in their lives.
80 years
Average Height
Average Weight
150 pounds

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