Rio Nomura Character in Cielo Vista | World Anvil
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Rio Nomura

Cielo Vista Arc

The Arbiter assigned to the case of Pumpkin Harte Versus Cielo Vista, Rio Nomura explained how the trial and rather antiquated judicial system for the Fae works to the bewildered Pumpkin. She was also the one to reveal Urrakir's lie to the party about how long the time extension actually was.
A single mother of a young Yuki Nomura and recent divorcee, Rio regardless presents a professional front most of the time. The first time the party witnessed behind that guise was when they came to her office to turn in some evidence. They heard a commotion coming from inside like an argument, so Jenson sent Jynore in to scope out the situation. Inside Rio was arguing with Enrique Acosta about their upcoming nuptials but she did not seem particularly fond of him. He made some rather arrogant remarks and left.
The day of the trial, Jaime overheard something to suggest that Rio's former spouse was none other than "Doctor Stabby" which he eagerly gossiped with Jynore about. She assisted in presenting the evidence for Pumpkin's innocence to Amenram. As a noncombatant, Rio hung back as the battle begun and her fate was unknown to the party as she was not transported with them.  

Unusual Aquisitions Arc

The party has heard rumors that Rio married her fiance, one of the newest Rowan Council members.

Mental characteristics


Social/Economic Status: Comfortable
Employment: Arbiter

Personality Characteristics


Core Values: Protect her daughter



Voice: Serious but sad
Character Location
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Current Location
Year of Birth
1925 98 Years old
Long, straight raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
115 lbs
Aligned Organization

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