The Cult of the Fallen Organization in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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The Cult of the Fallen

The Cult of the Fallen was formed after the first decedent war. This cult started when the first corrupted crystal was found and bestowed the finder with the voice of the fallen. It was this voice that guided the man to find others and teach them the way of the fallen one. With each new follower, the voice would grow with strength and when the first temple was founded they realized the churches goal. To Freed the fallen one and be gifted with everlasting life.


The Voice of the Fallen One   The Voice of the Fallen One is the highest position in the cult. The Voice is chosen to interpret the words of the fallen one and guide the cult in spreading their teachings. No action is taken without the Voice say so as their word is law. A new voice is chosen after the death of the current voice. Though there have only been two previous voices so far.   The Fallen Preist   The Preist of the fallen spread the word of the fallen one and collect followers to serve the cult. The priest set up in different towns and try to find the downtrodden to turn to the ways of the fallen one.   Followers of the Fallen One   The Followers of the fallen one are the lowest rung of the cult. They serve in secret doing their best to aid in the hunt for more corrupted crystals. They also work to keep those who are a danger to the cult from ever spreading their existence.

Public Agenda

They tell others that they work to unite the people under a common purpose and to create a world where no one ever has to suffer again.


They own a few temples across the edge and have ties to a mining business.


The cult started when one man uncovered a corrupted crystal in an old andelic ruin. This man was just a treasure hunter who thought he got lucky. Though when he began to hear the fallen one's voice he began to take a new path in life. Giving up on his greed focused life he began to take actions to better others as a means to teach them about the fallen one.   In time he would gain many followers who he gifted with a part of the corrupted crystal's power. In time they would find more and begin to grow in size as some became a priest. It wasn't till halfway in the second decedent war that the empire and alliance realized the danger of the religion.   It was when they rose the dead of those who died in battle that the governments began to take actions against them. These actions were out of fear of what they could bring to the world with their use of forbidden magic by nonmagical humans. It was these actions that turned a religion seeking a better path into a cult set to topple the state of things.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Give yourself to the fallen one.
  2. For she will protect you
  3. Embrace the glow of her crystals.
  4. For the crystal shall empower you.
  5. Listen to her voice.
  6. For it will guide you.
  7. Serve her voice.
  8. So that you may be rewarded
  9. Find her Crystals
  10. Though her crystals we shall know no death.

She shall rise again.

Religious, Cult

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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