Prompt 21: Cursed by the Lazari Tradition / Ritual in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Prompt 21: Cursed by the Lazari

Cursed by the Lazari is an old saying and tradition that carries a lot of weight to it. A saying that could date it's self to the time the Lazari reigned over all the races of Unsu. Back then to be cursed by the Lazari was to gain ill favor from them. Those who offended the Lazari in some way would be in for a hard time as the Lazari tended to be vindictive. It also would lead to others judging you negatively and treating you with disdain.   After the fall it gained new meaning as those who came in contact with Lazari relics became cursed. While some would gain power, they would be seen as tainted or traitors to ones people. As the only ones to wield their relics were those loyal to them during the time of rebelion.   Because some groups feared all tech was dangerous many more was shunned for even thinking of creating such dangerous devices. This was a deep effect on the beast clans and the humans who held more fear over things they didn't understand. While the Presari held no such fear as they believed in control of all things.   Nowadays Humans in the city of Salire no longer fear technology or relics left by the Lazari. Though some still carry a sense of fear of the unknown even as some seek more knowledge about the world.


In the old days many would seek to cleanse them self of the taint. To do this a spiritual advisor or shaman would aid them in cleansing the curse that they could gain from exposure to Lazari technology. It would mostly be something between the supposed cursed and the advisor in order to keep things close to the chest.


Those who were tainted by Lazari relics would be considered tainted and treated with disdain. Even those who would dabble in such things would be considered cursed. Some communities would even shun the use of technology out of fear it would corrupt them. So many would shun such things and live far more simple lives, out of fear of being cursed.

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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