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The Occomor (OKO MOR)

Occomors are a large, quadruped reptilian animal found in a variety of environment in Hysal. They have a strong reputation of being a ferocious apex predator and a symbol of power and even respect across multiple cultures

Basic Information


The Occomors has 4 strong legs that each end with a powerful paw equipped with razor sharp claws. Their bodies are bulky and elongated. They have a large head that is and topped with two short black horns. They possess a large mouth that contains 4 rows of sharp teeth and a long black forked tongue. Their tail is at least as long as their body, very flexible and equipped with a stinger. The stinger may of may not contain venom, depending on the subspecies. The skin of the Occomors are entirely covered in scales, which are reinforced by naturally growing bone plates in the skin called osteoderms. The colour of those scales varies depending on the subspecies, as it can be black, blue, brown or a mix between those colours as well.

Genetics and Reproduction

Occomors mate together during the spring if they live under a seasonal climate or whenever if they live in a tropical climate. The female then lays 2-5 large eggs in the nest, which are then incubated for 10 months. During the incubation period, the female will stop hunting and stay in the nest.

Growth Rate & Stages

Baby Occomors are vulnerable and are fiercely protected by the parents. Sick or malformed Occomors are eaten by the parents. Baby Occomors feed on insects and leaves during their first months, before their sharper teeth grows in, allowing them to eat meat that the parents hunt. After about 4 years Occomors reach sexual maturity and leave the familial nest. During their last year of stay, they hunt with the parents, and begin eating Noxshrooms.

Ecology and Habitats

The habitat of the occomors is varied and primarily depends of the subspecies. They can live in Jungles, deserts, grasslands and mountains. They can live anywhere where there is ample food and water. Depending on the type of Occomor and where they establish themselves, they usually follow two methods of establishing a shelter for itself. If it lives in a place with abundant foliage, trees and water, then they will built a nest composed of fallen trees, dirt and foliage, usually near a source of flowing water. If instead they live in dry conditions with less foliage and no trees, then the occomor will use their powerful clawed paws to dig a large hole in the ground, or on the side of a cliff to use as shelter.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Occomors hunt in groups composed of the members of the same family. They hunt anything from fish to antilopes. Some have even tried to go after baby elephants, but are quick to run away at the sigh of their parents. They are also known to feed on leaves, fruits, roots, insects and Noxshrooms.


Adult Occomors are very territorial towards members outside of their close family, but keep a thigh relation with the close members of their family. This includes siblings, nephews and grandchildren.    This differs greatly from a baby Occomor who are not territorial and rather docile. They almost entirely rely on their parents to protect them during their first few months of existence and will hardly try to run away, instead it seems that they froze in Fear, visibly shaking but not running away.    Both parents will ferociously attack anyone or anything that approches their nest and it is common for one of the parent to chase the would-be danger for up to an hour, before making their way back to the nest. If the chased animal or person is caught, they will be killed and eaten.    Occomor couples are monogamous, meaning that the male and female stay together for the rest of their lives once they mate. When one member of the couple dies, the other will enter a depressive state where they will stop eating and eventually die for starvation

Additional Information


Baby Occomors can be domesticated if taken young enough, or if they come from an already domesticated parent. When domesticated, the Occomors will think of the Human that raised it as its family, and will protect and hunt with him. Generaly, the stinger of domesticated Occomors are cut, to eliminate the chance that the occomor might accidently sting its owner and kill him. Domesticated occomors are commonly called Occomas.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Occomor skin and claws are highly valued in Arros. The skin is especially appreciated in southern Arros, particularly in Kavasia and Nhaggoria. Elsewhere in Arros, occomor claws are used in alchemy, where they are grinded into a fine powder and mixed in with various potions. In parts of Mahador, the Occomor's claws symbolises power and strenght and are commonly worn as a necklace. High ranking military or governmental officals wear them prominetly as a show of force. The higher the number of individual claws on the necklace, the higher the prestige and the more respect is demanded for that person

Facial characteristics

The male Occomors from Mahador and Samaria have two short horn on the top of their head, usually black in colour. The males from Viuzhul have longer horns, possibly as long as 10cm, and are not black but grey.   The eyes of the adult Occomors are always red, but are grey when born. The colour come in during the first two years of the Occomors existence, gradually changing from grey to yellow to red.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Occomors are present all over the northern half of Mahador and in parts of central Mahador, as well as most of Samaria. There are accounts of a similar species in Viuzhul, but one that grows larger and has entirely bue scales. These are though to be a subspecies of either the Samarian or Mahadorian Occomors.

Average Intelligence

Occomors are widely recognized as a very intelligent animal. They also have a impressive memory and pathfinding abilities. When domesticated, they can be trained to perform a variety of tasks..

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Occomors do not have good hearing, but they have good vision, especially at night, and excellent smelling abilities.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
30-40 years
Average Height
Around 1.5 metres
Average Weight
180 to 250 Kg
Average Length
Around 3 metres
Average Physique
They are fast, strong and agile. They can carry a grown adult on its back while charging at near full speed. They are also good swimmers.


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