The Little Lightbringer in Chronicles of Hysal | World Anvil
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The Little Lightbringer

A classic fable in Darnia, the tale of the Little Lightbringer is deeply woven with Solianism. However, the story itself is known as far away from Darnia as the kingdom of Naurcia, nearly half a planet away and thus is written in many different languages and has many different versions.   This version below is from Gysia, and is a classic children's story with two main moral lessons. The main one is that loving someone without the courage to protect them is a failure. It also says that jealousy can lead a person to commit atrocious acts and eventualy be consumed by it, leading to despair.  
A long, long time ago, a man lived a lonely life, with a heart full of darkness and full of hatred. And all around him, he saw people with hearts full of light and love. And it made him sad.   With each passing day, he grew more and more jealous. More envious of their happiness. "Why are they so happy, he asked himself. "They laugh and laugh while i can't even crack a smile"   And with each passing day, he grew more and more resentful. Angrier that they were happy. "Why are they happy, he asked himself. "So loved and loving, while i feel sad all the time"   One morning, the man rose from his bed. He knew was to do. If he couldn't get a light in his heart to chase away the darkness, then he would just have to take it from others.   So, he went. From village to village. From town to town. City to city. He stole the light from everyone he saw and took it for himself. And with each passing day, his greed grew more and more. "Mine!, mine!, mine!" he said. All of it, i want it all" But as much as he took the light from people, he could never dissipate the darkness in his heart.   And with each passing day, his desperation grew more and more. "Mine! Mine! Mine! He said. "I need it all." But as he ripped the light from countless victimes, he realized that none of them were powefull enough for his needs. He began searching for one that was strong enough to finaly dissipate the darkness in his heart.   A long, long, time ago, a boy lived a joyful life, with a heart full of light and full of love. And all around him, he saw people with hearts full of light and love. And it made him feel happy.   But one day, these same people suddenly started to lose their light. They turned sad and hateful. Seeing this, the boy grew worried. "What if i lose my light to?", He asked himself.   And the next day, he saw the man, stealing his mom's light right in front of him. Scared, the boy ran away, not even looking back. "What if he steals my light to?", he asked himself. He ran and ran, as far as his little legs could take him. At long last, he found a cavern and hid inside. Exhausted, he quickly fell asleep on the cold rocks.   The next morning, he was awoken by the corse voice of the man as he appeared at the entrance of the cave. "Silly child, the man said. "You've trapped yourself" The man walked towards the scared boy. "Give, give give! Give me your light!", he said to him. The boy ran away, deeper into the cave. He ran until he could no longer as a wall of rock stood in front of him. He had reached the end of the cavern.   He heard the man behind him, his voice was desperate and exausted. It called him, asking for his light until the man himself appeared in front of the boy. With nowere to go or hide, the boy decided that it was time to stand his ground. "No, the boy said, a defiant look in his eyes "I won't give it to you"   The boy had found courage. He realised that he needed to have courage so he could protect the ones he loved. So he stood his ground, against all odds. The man was surprised by the boy's courage, but unrelenting in his demands. "Your light is so bright!, he said, with a crazed smile and a shaky voice. "Its the one i want, the one i need"   The man tried taking his light, but the boy didn't let him. The man's despair grew still. He could see it: The light he so desperatly wanted. So desperatly needed. Yet, it had been too bright for him. The darkness in his heart could not resist and was drowned by the light, which filled the cave.   The man dissapeared with the darkness, all too consumed by it to be left behind. With his new found courage, the boy left the cave and went from village to village. From town to town. City to city. He shared his light with everyone he saw, and they called him Lightbringer.   And with each passing day, his hope grew more and more until after a long and arduous journey, he arrived back at his village. There, he saw the one he had failed to protect before. His mother. He embraced her, chasing away the darkness in her heart. She embraced him back, before kissing him on the head. "You came back, my sweat little lightbringer". The boy smiled, and vouched to never let the light inside his heart fade away. For him and for the ones he loved.


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Dec 11, 2023 18:41 by Enoris Leinwand

I love how this take of despair brings hope for the other whose light was stolen. I had a nice time reading it :)

Dec 11, 2023 20:28 by Ephraïm Boateng

Thank you! I'm really glad you liked it! <3