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One of the most beautiful astrological event one can bear witness to in Hysal, rivaling even a Double Lunar Eclipse in beauty, yet much rarer and long-lasting, is the meteor shower known throughout the world as Starfall. Only 6 such events have been recorded in history since the dawn of civilisation as they occur only once per 873 years, on average.   Because of its rarety and its awe-inspiring beauty, many myths, legends and artistic works, such as paintings and poems, were born out of it. It even defined some core elements of Solianism which is one of the most important religion in Hysal, as well as influencing many other fates across the world in various ways.


Each starfall event lasted from 3 to 9 weeks and some were more intense then others. Generaly, the shorter the event is, the more intense it will be, as the meteors falls at a much faster rate. During this 3 to 9 weeks time, a peak intensity will be reached, defined as the highest number of meteors that appears during that particular event. This peak may last from a couple days up to a week and a half, depending on the lenght of the total event. Peaks occuring during a shorter starfall event are the strongest. Thousands of meteors can fall every hour then, for each day that the peak lasts for. As they fall, the meteors emits a bright light, usualy of purple, blue, green or red colour, that appears as a thin line across the sky flashing in and out in quick succession.


During some of the Starfall event, some regions of Hysal came under much heavier bombardement than other regions. During the second Starfall event that happened in the year 3989, the bombardement was especialy heavy in Enask. During this particular event, a sizable meteor managed to hit the ground just north of the Ruby sea, in the darnian desert. It created a crater 5km wide, inside of which the holy City of Solthar was founded and grew in.   3000 years later, during the 6th Starfall event, which is the last one to this day, it was eastern Arros's turn to came under heavy bombardement. Specificaly, the skies over the region of Heoria were illuminated by thousands of meteors. Some fell into Lake Boestìn and the dense forests in the centre of Heoria. The population there, composed of humans and Shapeshifters witnessed the event and took it as a sign by their gods and later, a sign by Halin to establish a united country in the region.

Hypothesized Origins

Each starfall event coincided with a visit of the brightest known comet, called Lathel, which also appears every 870 or so years. Specificaly, a starfall event happens within 2-5 years after Lathel's appearance. Because of this consistant timing, and the similar colour of the comet's tail and the falling meteors, most scholars argue that the two phenomenas must be linked in some ways, and some go further, stating that the meteors are in fact debris from the comet that have detached themselves and that have subsequently fallen to the ground.
List of recorded past Starfall Event:
1st passage of Lathel: -4899
1st Starfall event: -4897
Lasted around 1 months

2nd passage of Lathel: -3993
2nd Starfall event: -3989
Lasted around 5 week
Heaviest bombardements: Southern Enask.

3rd passage of Lathel: -3121
3rd Starfall event: -3116
Lasted around 3 weeks

4th passage of Lathel: -2245
4th Starfall event: -2243
Lasted around 4 weeks
Heaviest bombardement: Osian

5th passage of Lathel: -1373
5th Starfall event: -1370
Lasted around 6 weeks
Heaviest bombardement: Southern Mahador

6th passage of Lathel: -501
6th Starfall event: -497
Lasted around 3 weeks
Heaviest bombardements: Eastern Arros

Next predicted passage of Lathel: 373 AD


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May 9, 2024 12:33

Congratulations on your successful participation and here is your little badge.   I particularly liked the idea of the timeline and that the phenomenon can be calculated. If you would like to expand on the article, I would like to know what effects the starfall has on cultures and species? Are there festivals or other traditions? Are they perhaps afraid? I could very well imagine experiencing one of the events in the timeline from the perspective of an eyewitness.
Astralis-Challenge 2024 by Blue Fairy 74

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
May 9, 2024 18:16 by Ephraïm Boateng

Thanks again for making this challenge and for the (beautiful) badge! Yes, i don't have immediate plans to expand this article, but in the future what you suggested are great avenues i could take to do so.