session 16: Preparing to become members Report in Chronicle Planet | World Anvil
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session 16: Preparing to become members

General Summary

Having spent the week in Dasgoul, we continued on our way to Donner Keep. It was a cold day and puddles on the street had frozen over. Janey had some fun sliding over them while we made our way to the ferry to Leverbad. The crossing was short and uneventful, just how I like my boat trips. Leverbad was still devastated by the dragon attack we saw last time, but there was not much we could do in the short time that we had. We decided to get to Donner Keep as fast as we could, so we set off immediately.   We got half way before it started to get dark and had to find a place to camp for the night. Janey used one of her new spells to create a magical dome that would serve as our shelter for the night. The inside of the dome had a comfortable temperature and was dimly lit.   Before we got some sleep, Janey helped me figure out how to best approach the venom injection component for the spider fang dagger. Her magic was very useful to try out several ideas. After eating another amazing dinner made by Valstrax, we got some rest. It was a calm night, so we all got enough sleep.   After another half a day’s travel, we arrived at Donner Keep and made our way to the Adventurers Guild. The guild was located in a Colosseum, Valstrax mentioned that it’s used for the trials to become an adventurer. I wonder what our trial will be.   We walked into the building and found the reception; a dwarf was manning it. Valstrax told him that the caravan escort quest had been completed. He also let the dwarf know that the rest of us want to become adventurers, and that we have a letter of recommendation. At first, he didn’t believe us, but the paperwork was authentic.   We had two weeks left before the trials would begin, and had planned to find the meteor while we were waiting, but the dwarf had mentioned that there was a band of mercenaries towards the meteor’s direction. There was a quest to deal with them, but since two other parties had already failed, people were discussing to increase it up to a gold quest. Since we didn’t want to get half pay for such a quest again, we decided to wait until we were all adventurers before heading that way.   We also wanted to go to Khundrukar Keep, but we didn’t even know where it was yet. I figured there might be more information in Donner City, so I suggested that I would go there and do some research and report back after one week. Janey sent Mihri along with me so that he could keep a lookout for interesting books. It’s a cute weasel, when he’s nice, I was happy with the company down below.   When I arrived at Donner City I immediately felt at home. This was a real dwarven city with proper dwarven architecture. I found a dwarven inn where I could spend the week. It was a bit more expensive than the ones we had stayed at above ground, but I felt nostalgic of home. While searching the local library, I found an old book about Khundrukar Keep. In it I found the relative below ground location of the keep compared to Donner City. From the center, the keep lies six miles northeast and then nine mile north. This should help us pinpoint the location above ground. I also found a rough description of the interior of the keep, and it’s much bigger than what I would call a keep! More of a fortress in my opinion. I figured this information should be enough to get us there, but exploring it would take more than a week and we would miss out on the trials. I went back to the inn and ordered a tankard of Donner City Stout to take with me, as a reminder.   I met the rest at the inn in Donner Keep and told them what I found. They agreed that it would take too long and would have to wait for now. While catching up, I heard what the others had done with their week.   Valstrax tried his luck in the pit again, and he won all three rounds just like in Dasgoul! I wish I could’ve seen it. Though judging from the glances he was getting, the crowd wasn’t too pleased with his fights.   Janey spent the week learning how to weave at one of the local craftsmen. She mentioned something about wanting to become the first that makes magical items again. I applaud her ambitions and hope they come true, but that knowledge has been lost for centuries and I doubt it’ll be as easy as learning how to weave.   Voron told me that he tried to make some profit off of the potions he made in Dasgoul. Sadly, he wasn’t able to find a buyer that would give him more than what he used to make it. Skrik had worked on getting some contacts in Donner Keep’s underbelly. I usually try to stay away from those communities. A favor in the right place can make all the difference, I guess.   When we discussed what we were going to do with our last week before the trials, Janey mentioned that she had gone by the guild hall a couple of times this week. She had seen the bronze quests up on the board. She mentioned a quest about a farm being plagued by some monsters, that sounds like a good activity while we wait for the trial.

Rewards Granted

8481 xp totaal
The traveling gourmands
Janey Kyrakir
Voron Carleth
Valstrax Nathair
Skrik Rokker Botrek
Duldar Coppergrip
Report Date
17 Nov 2019


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