Aporeu chronicles Issue 42: Sanguis Vita Est in Chronicle Planet | World Anvil
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Aporeu chronicles Issue 42: Sanguis Vita Est

Stories from the adventurers

This week

It seemed like the sword of the people has gone and lost his mind during a party. His story tells an outlandish thing, that I can assure you is not true. As the second story is a lot more comprehensive and will explain to you what has really happened. I do hope that the sword of the people is fine. Anyway, enjoy the stories.

Sanguis Vita Est by Noaz

ALERT: VAMPIRE DEN IN ARNHEIM   Okay, so, today we set out from the adventurers guild to go to a party just outside of the walls of Arnheim. It was me, Arkonn, Svæin and Elena (remember those names well! They are adventurers!) So, we went to the party, and the party was thrown by a new society: Sanguis Vita Est. And we were sent to welcome them or something, we were representing the guild, BUT! No, okay, wait.   Ehm, it seemed alright at first, lovely food and drinks and lovely talks, but then.. THEN!   Then.. eh. Wait..   Right! So! Yes, there was this gentleman –of the society–, this man who kept going into a door in the back of the room, several times during the party, every time escorting another lady. AND! There was this other man of the society with red hair, he was kind of a spy I think he was mumbling about ‘danger’ and ‘vampires. NOT GOOD! So, I went to talk to a beautiful lady, but she wasn’t from the society, BUT she did come to the parties more often! And, she said, she told me THAT THEY LIKED TO BE VAMPIRES! Or.. Well, okay, not exactly that, but that they liked to pretend to be vampires! But the red haired man –the spy, remember?! – he said there was danger! And, well he was really worried! OH! And at the end he ran of screaming they were REAL! Real vampires! Yes! So! But.. Okay, that was at the end, but! I inspected, wait.. The lady I was talking to right? I inspected her bo.. I mean, I looked, no, I investigated her more and she had two holes in her neck! So she was bitten by vampires! Because vampires have two big teeth and they bite you in the neck! So, vampires!!   And then I knew for sure, with the spy telling me information and the bitemarks on the lady- OH! AND THERE WAS A FOUNTAIN WITH BLOOD!!   So-remember the man from the beginning from the story that went into the door in the back a couple of times? Right?!-So! I said that everybody was in danger and grabbed my sword and wanted to free everyone! So I ran to the door, BUT! Oh my gods.. THEN! My fellow adventurers STOPPED ME! Elena and Svæin! They STOPPED me! And I tried to save everyone! But they stopped me! And Arkonn didn’t really do that much, but he didn’t help either!!   So they pulled me out of the house-BUT, ow wait! Yes, I DID manage to get into the basement! And there were people giving blood there and the blood went on the floor and then disappeared into the floor! AND ELENA GAVE BLOOD TOO! They gave blood to the vampires!   But they kicked me out!   So LOOK OUT FOR VAMPIRES! THERE ARE VAMPIRES IN ARNHEIM! Look out please! And if you see one, come to me! I am Noaz Barc, I will help you! Don’t go to Elena! So, BE SAFE! BE SAFE EVERYONE! There is DANGER!!   Ow gods..

Sanguis Vita Est by Arkonn

So, the Guild had received an open invitation for some Adventurers to join a party, hosted by the Sanguis Vita Est society, just outside of the city walls. They asked for "Strong people, full of life". Well, I'm strong, that's for sure. There were some people that had a similar idea, it seems. For this particular mission, I was joined by Elena, Svæin, and Noaz. Elena I remember from the mission where I had to be Human for a day. She can handle herself just fine. Svæin is a large, gray man, who seems perfectly capable of handling himself as well. Noaz is a Human, but his psyche isn't as strong as the man himself appeared to be on the surface. You will find out later what I mean.   As we go meet with Lornan for some more details on this mission, Noaz seems a bit squirrely about looking right, and wanting to represent the Guild properly. You'd almost think he'd never been to a party before. He looked fine. But he was a little paranoid all the same. We get the information we asked for, but it's not a great deal to go on. Not that it matters, we handled the mission quite well regardless.   As we're leaving the hall, a black coach approaches for us to embark on. We load our weapons into the trunk at the back, and get into the coach. It's about half an hour's ride, until we are at the stately mansion where the society is holding their party. We shared some stories with what we did with our weapons as we collect them again, and walk up towards the mansion along the well-lit path.   As we get closer, we are met by a young human man, who informs us that while we are not late, the party has already sort of started. We are led inside, and I am greeted by the sight of a mansion basking in opulence, the likes of which I haven't seen since I left home to join the Guild here. There are some armed and armored guards, with clumsily hidden armor, stationed by some of the doors, and the stairway to the upper floor.   As we move into the ballroom, it's a high hall with crystal chandeliers and marble flooring, and grand mirrors adorning some of the walls. I count 7 men in black suits, 2 servants, and 4 women in fancy dresses. All the men in suits are adorned with a cape, and a medallion that reads "Sanguis Vita Est" underneath. These medallions look a bit like a vampire face, with the fangs and ruby red eyes. None of the people there appear to be armed. Thankfully, none of them seem to mind us being armed. Something about a party that went awry with Guild members there.   We are greeted by Phoenix Price, the unofficial leader of the society holding these parties. As in, there is no actual leader, but everybody looks to him when decisions need making. He welcomes us, and hopes that we'll enjoy ourselves at the party. Upon being asked why we were invited, he tells us one of the members was very persuasive in getting Adventurers invited.   We try some of the food, and the wine fountain at the back, on either side of the entrance. The food is marvelous, but it appears that I am the only one able to enjoy the bloodwine that is served at the fountain. Shame. Svæin asks for something with alcohol, Noaz skipped the bloodwine in favor of some food and mingling, and Elena asks for some regular wine before mingling. I stay back to keep an eye out on the festivities. I haven't been to such an event in a few years, and while I still know how to behave, I have not missed them. Though it was nice to not worry about my brother trying to embarrass me. Regrettably, I had Noaz to worry about for that purpose on this otherwise fine evening.   Before everybody went off to mingle or enjoy themselves, I opened my senses for a moment, but I could not suss out anything untoward with the other people present. It seems like these people enjoy the fantasy of pretending to be creatures of myth. In their case, vampires. Though they went above and beyond to live out this fantasy. As I observe Noaz making a fool of himself, his manner of dancing somehow evokes the name 'Carlton' in my head. But why, I am unsure. Anyway, I notice that none of the society members shed a reflection in the mirror, unlike the women they are dancing with.
Intrigued by this, Elena takes some time to do some magic, and finds out that there is illusion magic on the mirrors and the medallions, and transmutation magic on the fountain. And 3 of the society members have a ring that is magic, but she cannot deduce a specific school of magic for those. After she tells me this, I kindly ask the man I have been sharing stories with to remove his medallion for a moment. While he appears in the mirror without it on his person, I don't get any undead sensations from him without the medallion. And his reflection disappears again as he puts the medallion back on. Quite impressive magic.   Elena is asked to dance by a black-haired man, after making it apparent that she would like to dance. Very nice manners. The party goes on without incident for an hour or 2. Then, things started going a bit awry for poor Noaz. There was a woman being led out a side door by one of the society members, and this door had a guard by it. From the corner of my eye, I spot Svæin starting to 'dance' with a red-haired woman, while Noaz attempts to get past the guard to see what is beyond the door the woman was led past. But to no avail.   I am very glad that I noticed Svæin starting to dance with the poor woman, because next I saw her, she was coming at me with quite some speed, and her feet off the ground. I catch her and put her to her feet. I cannot blame Miss Eilish for wanting to take a seat for a bit, and avoiding Svæin for dancing for the remainder of the evening.   Before Elena is guided beyond the door as well, she informs me of what she is going to do. She says she is going to donate a bit of blood. Smart woman, informing her friends where she's going and why. After that, I realize what the magic on the fountain is for: It turns normal water into this quite lovely bloodwine that I've been enjoying all evening. I ask one of the members how one might join this wonderful society. While I am not a huge fan of grand balls like this due to personal reasons, I think I could learn to enjoy them if I don't have to worry about Adventurers making a fuss. He tells me that I should find Mr. Price to see about applying for a spot in the society. And so I do.   After finding Mr. Price and inquiring about the possibility of joining the society, he asks for some forms and a writing implement. The fact that only humans are members currently lowered my expectations a bit, but his comment that my exotic appearance might be alluring for the women gives me some hope. He seems intrigued about the idea of my possible membership, and informs me that he will let me know the verdict on the matter. He does tell me it would probably take some time before I would be a proper member, if they accept my application. So kind to warn me ahead of time, so that I won't be driving myself mad with anxiety.   Then I spot Noaz talking to another member, and the Greatsword that he'd handed off before appears in his hand. I must admit, that is quite the parlor trick. Of course, the poor man he was talking to did not appreciate such a display of intimidation, and wanders off.   I see him collecting 2 goblets of bloodwine and some food, and trying to make amends for his behavior with the man he scared off. I join him to try and help smooth things over a bit. It.. Does not go well. Noaz takes a sip of the bloodwine, and immediately spits it out, asking what is going on with it. I take it from him, and show him how it's done. By NOT spitting out my drink because it's not to my liking. Of course, I quite like the drink. He was warned it was an acquired taste when we got here. I tell him that these people just pretend to be vampires, and that it's harmless. The man mutters "Pretend?" to himself over and over as he scuttles off once more.   Sadly, it seems that Noaz' psyche wasn't quite prepared for that, and pulls out his greatsword once more, as he talks about a woman with bite marks on her neck. And the sight of Mr. Price having a taste of blood from a woman's neck while on the dance floor did not do the poor man any favors either. After being asked about it, he says he was just having a taste, and leads the woman to the same room that Elena had returned from safe and sound.   Svæin tries to help, in his way, by keeping Noaz from charging Mr. Price.. By way of tossing him into the food table. I force Noaz to stop before he charges Svæin instead, and turning this into an all-out brawl. We learn that the member that persuaded the rest to let us join is called Julian. We learn this from someone also possessing some fangs. Some people are more committed than others. The man tells us that Julian will be taken care of. It seems that he is slightly delusional, and thinks there are actual vampires in the society. Which is just preposterous, really.   Svæin had grabbed Noaz, and was dragging him outside towards the coach, because we'd overstayed our welcome a bit. But of course, Noaz was too far gone and broke free, and made a mad dash to the door where the women had been taken. He somehow manages to get just inside the hallway before Elena cuts him off and blocks his path. The guard swings at Noaz and hurts him pretty badly. This I cannot abide, and strike the man with my magic, and tell him to cease. Which he does, thankfully. Though that might have been because Elena had managed to calm Noaz down a bit, by suggesting we ask Mr. Price to show us the room she was led to. To which he agrees, hoping that seeing that there's nothing bad going on will calm Noaz down, and he will agree to leave with us.   We're led to a room with a marble slab, and a bit of blood running through the grooves on the floor, to a hole in the middle of the room. It looks bad, but Noaz is reassured that there's nothing bad going on after I alert him to the recovery room we've just passed. I heard a soft groan from beyond the door, and Mr. Price confirmed my suspicions that it's a room for the willing donors to rest up and regain their strength. After all, if people were dying after going to these parties, the Guild would've been asked to take care of this society well before today.   We go outside, and Elena and myself get into the coach to be driven back to the Guild Hall. Noaz decides to walk back to clear his mind, and Svæin proves a good friend by walking with him. Though that might have been because Elena asked him to keep an eye on Noaz, and to restrain him if he started attacking people again. Either way, I'm glad that Noaz wasn't left by himself. I worry what might've happened if he'd gotten the frenzy again and tried to force his way back into the mansion by himself.   As we arrive at the Guild Hall, Elena is accosted by an elderly man that accuses her of nearly killing his son while pit fighting. I cannot help but agree with her assessment that if his son is so bad at fighting that he almost died fighting her, he shouldn't be fighting. But, kind soul that she is, she gives the man some money to tide them over while the son recovers, and he shuffles off without making any more of a fuss.   We report our findings to Lornan, and wait for Noaz and Svæin to return as well. At which point Noaz meets with Lornan to have a talk, and I watch as Elena gives Svæin the brawl he wanted at the party. Overall, I am confident that we handled ourselves well on this mission. For the most part. I do hope that Noaz can behave himself with a bit more decorum in the future. And that his outburst hasn't ruined my chances of joining the society.   Signed, Arkonn.

On the next issue:

Family trouble,Seeking mediation


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