Aporeu chronicles Issue 41: Got Wood? in Chronicle Planet | World Anvil
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Aporeu chronicles Issue 41: Got Wood?

Stories from the adventurers

This week

A simple supply mission gone horridly wrong.

Got Wood? by Ulfgar

A group of us adventurers got hired to transport provisions to some logging camp. I was teamed up with Jade and Gerolt, whom I knew from around town, Custous and Orla whom I fought along with on my first mission ever, and Effie, a half-elf who did some stuff with magic and the likes… but who also seemed to have dragonscales, quite strange.   We were told to meet with Grandal Ladigan, an elderly dwarf who lives near the adventurer’s guild. We went there and had some tea. Nice enough but I just wanted to get underway, instead I had to wait for the others to finish drinking theirs.   We were to take a wagon with provisions to a loggers camp near Alboro Glade. We were given a map to find our way there, and were told that we would have to take them by travois, some kind of pulling sled made from some pieces of wood, from there to the camp.   We were also told told 5 mercenaries had been hired to take provisions but that they had vanished. If we found information or returned them it would be welcomed.   Along our way to Alboro glade we were suddenly attacked by huge walking plants, who attacked us with their vines and needles. I of course ran forward to attack the nearest, smacking it to bits. For some reason someone in the group decided to shoot an arrow in my shoulder from behind. Amateurs!   We encountered a boar which seemed to be following us, and seemed to be quite intelligent, understanding Jade. Eventually we stopped seeing him, which put me to some ease. But not for long, suddenly the group stopped. Some nonsense about spider webs across the road. Just cut ‘m up I say! The others decided to just use fire, which also worked, and soon we could continue on our way.   Eventually we reached Alboro Glade, quite a serene place, with a pool, waterfalls, and surrounded by trees. However Gerolt told us there was some kind of evil in the water, must be more of those tentacle monsters, like in the lake north of Arnheim!   We decided to spend the night, but during the first watch we were all woken up again. It seems a blue light flowed together into the shape of a woman, walking around the lake, sobbing and talking about ‘looking for him’ and a name: Pulsar. Eventually she made her way towards the waterfall, followed by Custous.   As the rest of us were debating if we should follow there was a combination between a growl and a howl from the edge of the forest, and an owlbear came running out. Of course I ran forward again, attacking the beast, only to again be shot in the back! I think the use of the training grounds should become mandatory to be honest. However, we made short work of the beast, and then went through the waterfall to a corridor Custous had found there.   Walking through the tunnels we eventually wandered upon a wereboar who came towards us. We had a nice civilized talk when suddenly he became aggressive, and we were forced to take him out. I admit: The money and time spent silvering my weapon was well spent! Before he became aggressive we did learn that Pulsar did something to the woman, and that she is dead. Jade seemed to like the mystery, and Custous does want to meddle in the affairs of those that are dead, so on we went, even though the provisions and our mission was waiting outside.   We did leave Bart, the wereboar, unconscious but alive and tied up and continued through the tunnels in the direction he had pointed us. Eventually after a long walk we found a stone structure jutting into the side of the tunnel. There were names etched into the wall in Elvish, some sort of love letters. One of them read something like: “My sweet Ilvana, I’ll wait for you. We’ll finally be together. My sweet Ilvana, together forever. Pulsar.“   Something happened, and the runes on the wall started glowing, revealing a door. We tried a lot of things to open the door, but eventually after I decided to just open it up by hitting it with my warhammer I was pushed away, and then a ghost appeared from the wall. Jade suddenly appeared to be very scared and started running away, and of course I followed her, as did the rest of the party.   Custous and Orla summoned the aid from their Gods, and managed to chase the ghosts away, and we could safely leave. However, what also happened was that Jade and I both appeared to age a lot, which of course was more visible on her. Frail folk, those Tabaxi. Custous had knowledge of this effect so when we got away, he told us we had to return to Arnheim, as we had to be treated within 24 hours or the effect would be permanent.   Quite a discussion started. Gerolt was clear that he was taking Jade back to town, I honestly wanted to finish our mission but I also did not feel great and eventually I was persuaded that we should return to town.   What followed was a mad dash to the city, and at the city we split up. Orla and me walked from the south gate to the Sanctum of Many, where she had worked and had a favor, managing to persuade a priest to help me for half the normal price. Effie, Custous, Gerolt and Jade used the cart and horse to go west of town to a temple where Custous frequents to do the same for Jade.   And thus we had, much to my shame, failed our mission, and had to report to mister Ladigan that we had failed. I do hope to soon make up for this, and be sure: From now on the mission will go before any side trips!

Got Wood? by Custous

I barely got back from Malrot’s mission, then I noticed a new mission, that seemed perfect. Just an ordinary supply run to a logger’s camp down south. Little did I know that this would be a mission with a dark turn on events. I feel that I may have been the ultimate cause to all that which transpired.   As usual, all interested adventurers gathered in the guild, where I noticed Ulfgar and Orla, whom I met on my first days in Arnheim, the couple Jade and Gerolt, and Effie, a half elf, touched by dragons I presume. As was told by Lornan, we set out to find Grandal Ladigan, an elderly dwarf merchant, seeking help with the provisions. He is quite the charmer, offering us some nice tea, while explaining the mission and his worries. As he sent a previous group, which never arrived at the logger’s camp, and ultimately never returned. I didn’t think of it as something relevant, they may have been incautious and attracted some wild beasts that roam the land and forests.
So, we set out with the cart and horse. Our first goal was to reach Alboro Glade, from where we’d continue to the logger’s camp deep in the forest, using three travois given by Grandal.   All went very well, as we enjoyed the open terrain, the river crossing south and the southern forest. Until we got ambushed by some twig and branch beings in a humanoid form that fought with needles and vines. We easily dispatch them within seconds. I’m getting a bit tired of these tree beings, first in Lancastor, and now here. As we continue and the sun slowly goes down, we also deal with a thin blanket of webbing covering the road, reddish glowing eyes can be seen staring at us from behind the webbing and foliage. Not taking any chances I use Effie’s torch to set the webbing aflame and thus enabling us to proceed without any problems. Before we finally arrive at the glade, some big boar was spotted twice. Jade especially takes fond in trying to get its attention. Maybe it has to do with her also being of the fur-kind.   The glade is picturesque, with several giant trees around a deep lake where 2 waterfalls end. Gerolt feels uneased, as he senses something disturbing but can’t really explain what it is. We investigate the surrounding and the lake, but find nothing really, so we set up camp and get ready for some shuteye. During my watch an apparition appears from one of the waterfalls. A tingling sensation runs through my spine, A female ghost! She weeps the name of her lost lover “Pulsar”. Meanwhile the rest had awakened too. The ghost eventually disappears in the other waterfall, just before an owlbear came rushing into our camp. I watched as my group members made short work of it, and I took the time to wade through the water and step through the waterfall myself. A long cavern corridor!   This is where I feel I may have made my first mistake. I argued with the rest, and eventually convinced them to follow. This ghost was definitely trapped, and couldn’t pass on, and I felt a strong urge to investigate and hopefully bring her peace.   At the end of the corridor a medium sized cavern chamber opens up with new leads going left and right. A big hairy muscled man greets us harshly, as to what we're doing in one of his shelters. He introduces himself as Bart. He tells us about something sinister and dangerous up ahead in the cavern. But is anxious to tell us anymore. With the help of Effie’s magic, he does comply and tells us he has seen the ghost several times here, but dares not to wander any closer than he needs to. With him recognizing the effects from Effie’s magic he turns hostile, growing tusks and fur, into some human-boar hybrid. It is the boar we saw the day before in the woods. As he attacks, we are forced to subdue him in our own defense. I tie the unconscious Bart up myself and I feel I’m quite exhausted as I had no good rest this night. The rest and I follow Jade who takes lead. She eventually spots a stone slab in the walls with writhing in elven, “My sweet Ilvana, I’ll wait for you. We’ll finally be together. My sweet Ilvana, together forever. Pulsar”. I glance at the rest “together forever? that sounds ominous” This is where we should’ve turned, this is where it still was possible, but we were unaware of the dangers ahead.   We push on, and walk into a dead end, but Jade seems sure there is some sort of way through, as she speaks the words on the stone slab. A glowing outline occurs and reveals that indeed there is a doorway, but it barely gives in. While we lay out our options, Ulfgar becomes impatient and swings his Warhammer. Things escalate rather quickly from there on, and the door doesn’t move. A ghostly face comes appears through the doorway, Gerolt calls out he can sense 5 or 6 of these within or behind the walls. The temperature drops and the eyes of the ghost widen in a hypnotic glare. I recently uncovered some lore about ghosts, and instinctively close my eyes, in the spur of the moment I forget to order the others to do the same. I hear the moans and sighs of my fellow party members, especially a painful cry from Jade. I open my eyes and just before I can order everyone to run the ghosts reaches out to my chest, as its spectral hand vanishes within, my muscles cramp up and a burning pain shoots through my body. I scream in agony and stumble backwards as it releases its grip on my internals. “Go! RUN!!” I yell as I see fear in their eyes, even the normally very stoic Ulfgar seems to have succumbed to pure panic. Orla and I wait till the others stride out, we follow up in defensive stances and in perfect synchrony we turn to face the ghost one last time as Orla displays her symbol of the traveler, and I hit my mace on my shield, followed by a ringing sound that carries our voices with power as we call out to our gods. “The Traveler/Kelemvor denies you!!!”. We are welcomed by a horrifying scream from the ghost as it retreats into its tomb.   We all escape, including Bart whom we carry out while still being bound and unconscious. We all agree we need to rest before making any other plans. Midday we have all awakened, and I realize something that I missed in all the commotion. Jade and Ulfgar had aged because of the ghostly visage. Especially Jade was badly effected as she had aged into an old frail woman with traces of grey hairs. Ulfgar seemed little fazed about it, probably have to do with their longevity and stubbornness. I explain to the rest we need to abandon the mission to save Jade and Ulfgar. Only 16 hours left or the effect becomes permanent.   We gather our supplies and make our way hastily back to Arnheim. Olga takes Ulfgar to the sanctum of Many, and I lead Gerolt and Jade to Kelemvor’s Church of the Last Breath. I’m in good standings with the high priest Zachary there, as I explain the situation. We agree to a deal, as Jade is rushed into a ceremonial chamber to cleanse her of the curse. Both Jade and Ulfgar are treated, and return to their normal age, but at a hefty cost to all of us. Effie had taken the cart back to Grandal and explained the situation. I think he is understanding as we haven’t had any sanctions from him because of failing the mission.   I have been feeling restless the days after, getting people in danger because of my own responsibilities is the last thing I want. I will keep the Alboro glade in mind, and will return stronger and better prepared. I got some cleansing to do.   Signed ~ Custous Vita, Servant of Kelemvor.

On the next issue:

Sanguis Vita Est


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