Aporeu chronicles Issue 38: Come Find the King in Chronicle Planet | World Anvil
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Aporeu chronicles Issue 38: Come Find the King

Stories from the adventurers

This week

How to find a king.

Come Find the King by Cor'Torin

Well, my dear readers, this has been quite a grand and long mission. We met with Lornan who told us that we were to go through the gate and meet with Malrot for more information on our mission.   When I say ‘we’ I mean Q, Bob and Custous who I already met before, and Gaergotin and Effie who I had not had the pleasure to meet yet.   As we went through the gate, always a curious journey, we found ourselves in familiar forests around the village of Morkin. As we emerged a balding grey-haired man came running up to us, asking if we came for the mine. As we knew nothing about a mine we had to answer him in the negative before we headed on to the village.   As we entered the village we met up with the grey haired man with bronzen clothes and eyes whom I recognized as Malrot, the bronze dragon. He told us he had met with his fellow Dovah, their word for dragons, to make sure the lord of the land was not a lord anymore. They also commissioned the search for a king, which is why we were there.   We were to look for a hunter named Tudwal Ruellan who was out on a hunt to kill two stags to the north of Morkin along with two other hunters. After finding him we were to escort him to the north, to the city of Goldaué, the dragons there would welcome him, make him the king, and write us a letter of completion of the quest. The three hunters were described to us, and we were told the others were called Pola and Johell. I will admit I was apprehensive about escorting hunters again, however it all worked out!   As we left the village we noticed that there are great improvements being made, including the paving of the village square. This is starting to look like a really nice place to live and retire!   As we left the village we passed a mansion where a woman was crying. It turned out some of my fellows knew her as the wife of the old lord, who was upset that ‘they were making her leave’. They messed with her a little but eventually we continued our journey.   Custous turned out to be exceptional at finding the tracks and marks of the hunters which we proceeded to follow, until Q suddenly heard wolves in the vicinity. I touched my new amulet and detected tracks of wolves nearby. We quickly prepared just in time before 5 wolves attacked our party!   After a swift fight, during which Bob suddenly started to glow for some unknown reason, we managed to kill the wolves. Teeth and pelts were removed from most, I just put one of the wolves into my bag of holding.   As we journeyed on we encountered small flying creatures, who looked like tiny humans with dragonfly wings. We decided not to disturb them when we were suddenly pulled into some bushes by who turned out to be the hunters we were looking for! We were shushed as they aimed at a pair of magnificent stags.   We decided to help them in their mission, firing at the stags as well with our magic and bows. While most of our attacks were helpful in killing the magnificent beasts it turned out that Bob’s attack turned into poison, ruining the meat. That would not be terrible if he did not suddenly explode, injuring all of us around him! I really have to take care to keep my distance.   Afterwards we talked with the three hunters and explained why we had come looking for them. It seems the ‘dovah’, dragons are practically worshipped there, as they are creatures of all that is good. They also determine who will be king, they take care of their people… and if a king turns out to be a bad king they also end the king. The Dovah do magic and look at the stars to determine who should become king.   Tudwall was visibly nervous at the thought of becoming a king, and I do understand that, considering they might as easily end his reign. However, the three did accompany us to the city.   We followed them to their camp for the night. During the night we split the watches, making very sure there was always someone of our group awake. We did learn from our previous errors!   Even during the first watch we were alarmed by large walking trees walking towards the camp. The hunters made it very clear that that was very bad, so we readied our attacks if they were hostile towards us. There were two of them, who we swiftly dispatched of, several of us using fire to do so as that felt intuitively the smart thing to do. I managed to put a nice distance between me and Bob.. who then followed my there before attacking a tree, almost hitting me as well! That guy really is a great danger, no matter how likable he is.   Bob and I decided to take some of the wood of the creatures with us for crafting. It looked like those would make some really awesome bows!   The rest of the night was rather uneventful and in the morning we made our way to the city. Upon arrival the guards did not believe us when we told them we brought the new king, however they did escort us to the council of dragons. The guards there clearly did know about our coming, and we were escorted into a waiting room.   After a short wait an ancient golden Dragon came to speak with us. He thanked us for bringing Tudwall who is destined to create order in the lands. We were invited to stay as guests of honor, and rooms were prepared for us at the royal palace.   In preparation for the coronation a few days later we all did some shopping, so we would have better clothes to attend the festivities. I also had the wolf I brought skinned, and the meat cured at a local butcher’s.   On the coronation day Bob decided he wanted to bring poor people in to join in the festivities, which was graciously permitted by the hosts. Together my compatriots soothed Tudwall, who was very nervous for his coronation but in the end the ceremony went very well. There then was a party until late at night.   The next day Bob arranged for a cart with a horse for us to travel faster back to the gate. Along the way we spotted a big spider, which never even managed to attack our group before it was killed! However, it again turned out Bob is a very dangerous person who set our own cart on fire! Something really must be done about that man.   Eventually we made our way back to Malrot who thanked us for our service and rewarded us, before we said our goodbyes and went back through the gate.

Come Find the King by Q

(Editor's Note: So, this tiny Kobold just appeared out of the shadow in my office again. I.. I just give up. Apparently, we have randomly appearing Kobolds in the Guild now. Was only a matter of time until something like that happened, I guess.)   So, for this mission, I'm gonna head through the Gate to help Mr. Malrot find a king of some sort. Sounds important. Bob, Mr. Custous, Ms. Effie, Mr. Cor, and Mr. Gaer are coming along to help as well. Bob did.. Bob things. I can sorta see why people don't really trust him a lot. Anyway, we kinda forgot to do introductions before we got into Mr. Lornan's office, so.. Mr. Lornan wasn't too happy with us taking care of that in the office. I've been on mission with everybody but Mr. Gaer before this one, so.. I didn't think we needed the introductions. Mr. Lornan tells us a bit about the mission, but he can't tell us much more than what was on the quest notice that we signed up for. So, he asks us to get out of his office, and we do.
We head to the Gate, and the Guard opens it for us. We step through, and I'm back on the world where I did my first ever mission for the Guild. Apparently, Mr. Malrot runs a bank in town now! But when we got into the Bank, I couldn't recognize him, because he looks like a strange-looking Human. We have a bit of a chat to catch up. Then he asks us if we're there to find the new King. Who is currently a normal hunter, by the name of Tudwal Ruellan. Him and 2 others are hunting for stags in the forest between Morkin, where we are now, and Goldaué. Which is a big city to the North, with a council of dragons. Yeah, that's right, a whole COUNCIL OF DRAGONS. It's amazing. Mr. Malrot gives us a description of Mr. Tudwal, Mr. Johel, and Ms. Pola. That should help quite a lot.   We walk North, out of town, and we pass by the mansion where some other people did another mission for Mr. Malrot. Apparently, they got a Lord to no longer be one. And his wife was really upset about not getting to live in the mansion anymore. Then she called Mr. Malrot a 'horrible dragon'. So, I stole one of her pretty dancing shoes. And Ms. Effie burnt it to a crisp. Serves the mean lady right, being a jerk to a good dragon like Mr. Malrot.   After we set off, Bob says he can guide us, because he's been to a forest before.. So have I, doesn't mean I'm super good at tracking things. But, he helps Mr. Custous, and they get us a good part of the way there. Well, at least about 30 minutes in the right direction before I smell and hear some wolves. They are WAY too close for comfort. So I clamber up into a tree and try to hide. Kinda forgot there weren't a lot of leaves to hide behind on the branch I picked. Not that it matters. Mr. Gaer killed one of the 4 small wolves that showed up, while Bob hit the really big wolf with a lot of fire. I shot the smallish wolf that tried to nom on Mr. Gaer. Made him a dead wolvicorn. Then Mr. Cor burned them some, and Mr. Custous scared the big one, since he ran right up to Mr. Custous and Mr. Gaer! So, remembering that there's wolves that don't care about normal weapons, I grabbed my new Fan, lept from the tree, and slashed his throat. He just gurgled a bit as he sunk down before he could hurt Mr. Custous or Mr. Gaer. Then Mr. Cor burnt the other ones that were trying to nom his face, with the help from Bob. I collect the big one's fangs, and a couple from the smaller ones. I'll see if Dr. V. wants some of those when I get back. Mr. Cor puts some of the wolves into his big bag, because meat. That's a smart idea.   Then Mr. Custous and Bob go back to tracking, and we pass by some trees where we meet some Sprites. Ms. Effie dances with them for a little bit, and they seem happy. After a while longer, I noticed people getting pulled into the bushes, so I walk up behind them and ask the hunters what they're doing. Turns out, they're hunting deer, and there's 2 of those nearby. They try to shoot one of them, but only 1 shot hits. So I clean up the one that got hit with a single shot. Then Mr. Cor shoots some fire at the other one and hits it. And then Bob just goes way overboard and hits it with a big, crazy bolt of magic. And somehow hurts all of us around him. Ms. Effie was so unhappy about that, she whacks him over the head with the butt of her spear.   A third hunter shows up after that, and thanks me for the help in taking down the one that I killed. Bob is also thanked for his 'help', but I'm not sure he got the sarcasm..   Anyway, turns out that these are the people we were looking for. Mr. Tudwal seems very surprised that dragons have chosen him to be King. As they talk about the dragons, I get the feeling that dragons are worshiped in this world. That's nice. And it explains why Mr. Malrot is so nice, too! Everybody likes dragons, so why wouldn't he be nice to everybody in return, right? We learn that dragons decide who becomes King here. And because Mr. Tudwal seems really worried about being a bad king, we agree that he'll probably be a good one. Because he'll try really hard to do what's best for everybody. And I think that's what makes for a good leader.   It's getting kinda dark, so they invite us to stay at their camp for the night, and we can travel to Goldaué in the morning. Bob and Ms. Effie take the first watch, Mr. Custous and Mr. Tudwal take the second watch, Mr. Cor and Mr. Johel take the third watch, and Ms. Pola and myself take last watch. We have some dinner, get the extra stuff set up for the extra people, and I get comfy in my tent. Then, near the end of the first watch, Bob wakes everybody up because he hears something big coming closer. It's a walking tree. I hide in my tent, and wait for it to get close to someone and show itself to be hostile before I shoot it. Just in case it's not an enemy. But the rest start shooting it with fire and arrows. When it gets close to Mr. Tudwal, I shoot my bow at it, and apparently hit it in the tree-brain or something. Because it tumbles over, and the hunters thank me. They were really worried about these things, but.. Bob and the rest make quick work of the other tree too, and we go back to bed. During my watch, I don't see a whole lot, but I blame the sun coming up. That thing is always messing with my eyes, and that day was no different. We have some breakfast, and Bob and Mr. Cor get some of the wood from the previously walking trees to take home with them, to make fancy things out of, apparently.   During the 9 hour walk to Goldaué, we don't really meet a lot of things that require fighting, so it's pretty nice. When we get to the city, the guards don't believe that Mr. Tudwal is gonna be the new king. They even laugh at the idea. Silly people sometimes. 2 of the guards walk with us to the place where the Council of Dragons is located. And then they stay outside. Bob gives them both a cigar, and one of them starts to cough really bad. It's kinda funny.   We sit in a waiting room for a bit, and the whole place is massive. Like, more than normal for me. Then we find out why: A huge Golden dragon comes in, and asks for Mr. Tudwal. He says some nice things to me and Ms. Effie, but then switches to Common so everybody can understand. We learn that the coronation will be in 2 days, and we can stay at the palace until then. We're gonna be guests of honor at the coronation! So, I go and get some nice clothes for the party. And because they like dragons here, I see some Kobolds walking around in the street, and I can find some shops that sell Kobold-sized clothes, too. That's really nice, and I get something that looks brighter than my normal clothes. Just seems right for a fancy party like a coronation.   During the coronation, Mr. Tudwal seems kinda nervous, but everybody helps out to make him feel better, and he gives the best coronation speech I've ever heard. I didn't tell him that it was also the ONLY coronation speech I'd ever heard, though. He seemed so happy that he did well, that I didn't want to make him feel bad. We enjoy the nice, big party that was thrown, and I mingle with the people a bit.   We also got a letter in Draconic for Mr. Malrot, to prove that we did our job well. And Bob's smart enough to ask for a horse and cart, so we can get back to Morkin a bit more quickly. On the way back, we come across a strange looking spider, but Mr. Cor was paying attention. I plink it with an arrow, but I don't really get a good hit in. Bob hits it with that weird devil-magic of his. And then he lights the cart on fire without even hitting it with his magic. I swear, Bob's gonna be the death of someone in the Guild someday. Luckily, Ms. Effie gets the horse free quickly, and Mr. Custous puts the fire out with a magic rain cloud. While Mr. Cor kills the big spider with fire before it can even get closer to us. That was really cool. Then he helps me get some of the poison from the spider, and I help him stuff as much spider into his big bag.   We make it into Morkin without anymore trouble, give Mr. Malrot the letter, and we get our reward. And then we got back to Arnheim safe and sound!   -Q-

On the next issue:

It's just a party, right?


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