Aporeu chronicles Issue 36: Recovering the mine in Chronicle Planet | World Anvil
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Aporeu chronicles Issue 36: Recovering the mine

Stories from the adventurers

This week

Short introduction

Recovering the mine by Errus

The adventurers: Zeke (Laurens), Quen (Daan) and Errus (Kasper) were given a quest by Dinah Thompson to reclaim a mine from creatures they called 'Elves', they jumped to the dimension where the mine was located using magic boxes that were given to them by Dinah Thompson.   They quickly found the mine where they saw the creatures described as elves, which none of the adventures recognized, standing on wooden scaffolding located in the middle of a hole in the ground.   The adventurers thought of a plan to get some information out of the 'elves' and perhaps even get their help, they pretended to be some deity using a combination of spells to understand what they were saying, to talk into each other’s mind and to create loud noises to scare the elves into submission, which worked. One quickly traveled to another plane, while the other told them what they asked of him, and they learned that the ‘elves’ had secured the mine, but were scared of the ore inside.   When the rest of the party showed itself to the remaining ‘elf’ he suddenly attacked, and was quickly finished off, the party then had the idea to burn the scaffolding on which they stood in case the other ‘elf’ came back with reinforcements, this turned out to be very effective because after they lit the wooden structure on fire another ‘elf landed right on top of the burning scaffolding which collapsed but seconds later. The ‘elf’, now heavily damaged, put up little resistance and was quickly taken care of, and after a short rest the adventurers went into the mine.
In the mine itself there were no ‘elves’ to be found, and after carefully checking every where. Quen’s ability to see far ahead and around corners helped a lot, they proceeded to loot the mine. They quickly cleared the mine of everything valuable as they went from room to room, but when they came to a room which was partially flooded they were suddenly ambushed by some water monster which grappled Zeke and tried to drag him into the water. This proved to be ineffective as the water was fairly shallow, and it was also quickly slain by the party.   Once they had cleared the entire mine the adventurers decided it was about time to head back, but as soon as they entered the main corridor an arrow flew past the group, barely missing one of its members, the ‘elves’ had sent reinforcements. The party rushed to the entrance, only to see one heavily wounded ‘elf’, which they quickly dispatched of, it seemed that their plan was more effective than any of them would have thought, as they walked over to the still burning pit where the scaffolding once stood they saw 2 more blackened corpses. With the mine cleared and reinforcements defeated the adventurers returned to Dinah Thompson to claim their reward.

On the next issue:

A mysterious letter


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