Aporeu chronicles Issue 29: Investigating a Fortress 2 in Chronicle Planet | World Anvil
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Aporeu chronicles Issue 29: Investigating a Fortress 2

Stories from the adventurers

This week

Finishing the job of the fortress

Investigating a Fortress 2 by Cahir Isengrim

Dear reader, I wish those who read this story a healthy life and pray that their decisions are wiser than some of those whom I have encountered during our mission. Recently there had been rumors of a mysterious fortress which had suddenly appeared. A previous party was already sent for investigation. However, a follow up was deemed necessary.   That day I had just picked up my new armor. To my surprise I learned that the one and only Rurik who made my new “proper dwarven” armor would also join this excursion. Also, a face whom I had not seen before joined in our small party, he looked like one of those magician types as he was just wearing regular robes. He introduced himself as Gaergotin, also known as Lantern. We got some more Intel from Lornan about the location and purpose of this mission. On our way to Eld’aar, Gaergotin informed us about several things they had encountered in their mission. Something about several traps and an unbreachable metal door.   After finally reaching the “village”, which consisted of around 15 houses we entered the place with the most traffic. A certain inn called “The Mysterious Pegasus Inn”. Our Lantern initiates a conversation with a barmaid inquiring about several things from his previous time here. I could see Rurik immediately going for a flask of ale. How disappointing, I had expected such a man as him who is meticulous in his work not to partake in such distasteful pleasures. Nonetheless, Gaergotin returns with a request from the barmaid. She had asked us if we could perhaps look for a certain farmer called Bob Garlington, who went missing a couple of weeks ago. The old guy was apparently talking about having found some caves southeast of this village. I do think that a combination of being between 50 and 60 and missing for several weeks is not one which will result in a happy ending, but do not be hasty perhaps a miracle will occur!   Finally, having arrived at the fortress Gaergotin leads us into the back, where they entered last time. He inquired if I had any means of seeing in the dark, again someone who mocks me about not being able to see in the dark! However, it seems I had misunderstood Gaergotin. He lit up his arm staying true to his nickname. The Archivist will remember those who aid her followers, what an honor for this man! Upon entering we found a group of kobolds who were carrying some heavy luggage. They wanted us to leave the premises as this fortress was their humble abode. Nonsense I say! I immediately tried to convince them of their wrong beliefs and conjured a totally “legal” deed to this place stating that it is rightfully mine. However, these simpletons were just too stupid to understand such manners of intricacy. They argued with me and finally decided to jump us. How dare they, I had been so nice as not to slaughter them where they stood. I did not want to do the same as I did back in the caves with the goblins. Ms. Alyr’s cries still haunt me to this day, her cries begin to overlap with [redacted]. It reminds me of that cursed night... It reminded me of becoming the thing what I was afraid of… I had tried everything in my power as to convince them to leave. However, they chose wrongly. I could not let these fiends injure my dear companion who was so kind as to make his arm light up for me. And even though Rurik does partake in the distasteful act of consuming alcohol he did make my precious armor which honors my dear patron.   So, I prayed upon my patron and called upon my arcane powers, a sudden loud thunderous noise erupted in the center of the kobold vermin. Immediately four of them were embraced into their eternal sleep. The last one I just ended with my blade. I pray that in their next lives they will be wiser. Upon finishing, Rurik and I took the metal tubes as they seemed important.   While we were taking our rightfully earned spoils. Six more kobolds came in from the left and three more from the right. Upon noticing them I immediately tried to obliterate them as I did the previous group. However, I would like to remind the reader that I was surprised by their sudden appearance so I could not focus. Unlike other sources would say I was NOT tired at all! My companion Rurik who is an amazing fighter himself took over from here. He just went to town with the kobolds, I wondered if he did not mind slaughtering his own kind. But now I realize that this is a weird thought to have, we humans do the same. Slaughtering and killing our own kind as if it is nothing. So why would Rurik the “dwarf” mind killing some kobolds. So, he started hacking through them like butter instantly finishing two of them. I started to do the same, while we were finishing up here the other three kobolds decided to throw some baskets. Upon breaking, swarms of centipedes and wasps and a puddle of slime were revealed. Finishing our dance of carnage, I turned around and headed straight to the three of the remaining kobolds. Two of them ran away but I managed to catch the last one and subdued him. I asked it about its remaining companions, apparently these three were the last remaining ones. I thanked him for his service and ended his suffering by letting him join his deceased companions.   I do think Rurik did not like what I did as he remarked if this one was also turning into a “zombie” just like the last one. It left a bad aftertaste with me and I just quickly remarked that he outlived his usefulness. I need to watch out with what I do. O dear reader please believe me when I am saying that I am trying to change for the better! But change is like swimming against a flowing river. Change is difficult… I despise what I have become…   Trying to forget I quickly move on into the next room, but as I am unable to see I just wait in the darkness for my two companions. Again alone, again staring into the darkness... Upon the arrival of my companions we moved on into the room and we saw the remaining two kobolds. They were behind a busted metal door one of them was kneeling with a metal tube on his shoulder. I did not know what he was preparing but the only thing I could do was brace for impact and hope that the “proper dwarven” armor I got would save me for what was coming. And as you are reading this story you already know that it did.   It hurt like hell, my shoulder which took the brunt of the exploding projectile was feeling quite sore. These insects dared to hurt me, they dared to inflict a wound upon me! Upon seeing us still standing the remaining two bastards dropped to their knees like the vermin they are. I tied them up to inquire them about several questions whilst trying to suppress my anger. We learned that these metal rods and tubes were called “boomsticks”, which they found behind the metal door the previous group could not enter. As we were finished the kobold who shot me with that projectile dared to make snide remarks about how we were trespassing into their home. I was just about to let him go despite the fact that he injured me. I tried, I really tried… But this kobold did not even know how he should handle the precarious situation he was in with utmost care. Perhaps feeling a bit inspired from Rurik during my previous mission I hacked him to pieces until he was unrecognizable. The other one I gave an honorable and clean death.   After taking the last of the so called “boomsticks” I lead the party to the caves which were situated southeast of the village. Upon our arrival we noticed a boulder which had been pushed aside to reveal an entrance into the mountain also one set of footprints could be seen entering the caves. Nothing had come out. I feared that the old man had already entered the cycle of rebirth. Upon entering we could see erratically flickering lights. We saw footprints entering and leaving the side hallway upon which it went further into the caves. Rurik remarks that if it was Bob, and he made it in and out, it should be safe for us to come back to it later. His reasoning seemed plausible enough for me. Going further into the hallway where the flickering light was coming from we found a huge room with some sort of metal device which was the source of the erratic light. Lantern and I decided to blast the thing with our arcane powers in order to move further into the cave. After destroying the device, we found a charred body in the back of the room. Upon our further investigation it was apparent that these were the remains of the farmer Bob Garlington. No miracle had occurred that day. Only death…   I prayed for his soul to enter the cycle of rebirth without any obstacles. May the Archivist remember the story of Bob Garlington and look upon it with joy as she makes place for it upon her shelves. Rurik put his body near the exit and then came back to investigate another device which was hidden behind a pillar. This one felt more imposing, even I could feel the magic emanating from it. We saw a metal panel with lots of text and buttons. Rurik being intrigued by this strange apparatus tells us to press a button labeled “emergency stop” in a weird kind of common if anything happens whilst pushing a lever numbered from 0 to 10. It was already at 6 and with each push the device made a louder and louder humming sound. Before Rurik pushed the lever to 9, Lantern and I stopped him. I felt a weird sensation within me, every fiber within me was saying that it would mean our end if he pushed it one more time. Apparently, Gaergotin also felt the same as he joined me in my attempt to stop Rurik. I could see a glint of regret in Rurik’s eyes as he dropped the lever number 3 and the rumbling of the machine decreased.   Having finished here we took Bob’s charred body with us and checked the previous side hallway of the cave. While almost having entered the room, a strange creature drops from the ceiling ambushing Rurik. However, it failed and Rurik retaliated, followed by Lantern’s magic. It was already at death’s door when I could react. I conjured a ball of dark flame, with writhing tree roots within and send it his way. It instantly annihilated the strange creature. We found a room with several old tools and a chest in which several coins were stashed. Taking the useful items, we left, heading back to the village in order to inform and warn them about our findings. Finally done with the mission we returned to Arnheim and reported back to Lornan and split our rewards accordingly.   Signed ~ Cahir Isengrim, Child of the Heather Valley and follower of Mergen the Archivist

Investigating a Fortress 2 by Rurik Ironscale

Investigating a Fortress 2 Story.   (Editor's note: That armored Kobold talking like a Dwarf came back. Good to know I wasn't imagining him last time.)
I went on a mission to investigate a fortress that some other Adventurers checked out a while ago, and some kinda anchor in a cave nearby the fortress. Since there wasn't too much danger last time, it's just a 3-man crew this time, consisting of myself, Cahir (Finally in proper Dwarven armor), and Gaergotin. A Half-Elven man without ANY armor. So probably one o' them mage-y types. Cahir and myself look awesome. Gaer, or 'Lantern', as he was also called last time, looks alright. Don't think I'll be able to get him into any sort of armor. They can't come cryin' to me when they get hit, though. Everybody knows armor is what keeps ya safe.   We get some info and directions from Lornan, who's quite happy to get us out of his office so he can get back to work. Man of few words sometimes, but dedicated to the job. I can respect that. We got directions to Eld'aar Village, so that's where we go. It's about 2 hours travel towards the South. We talk a bit with Gaergotin about what they found last time, since he's a return customer for this place. Didn't find much in the way of enemies, just a couple traps, that they expertly set off, apparently. With any luck those traps will've stayed set off.   As we get to the villages, we see it's about 15 houses and some farmland. The "Mysterious Pegasus Inn" near the center of town is our first and only stop in this town. Gaer talks to the barmaid a bit. And I realize I committed a grave sin.. I left home without a flask of ale. I remedy that by buying a flask, complete with contents, from this quaint little town. It's alright. Not very strong, but that's a good things for a travel-ale. Can't be goin' into a fight when you're smashed, after all.   We also learn that an old farmer, Bob Garlington, went missing about 2 to 3 weeks ago. Last they saw him, he was talking about investigating a cave to the Southeast. This was a few days before the fortress appeared. We ask for a description of this Bob, so we can make sure we've found the right guy if we do find him. He's between 50 and 60 years old, simple clothes, grey hair, tall guy at around 6ft. Shouldn't be too hard to miss. After that, we head out to the Fort to check it out. They weren't able to get past a thick metal door last time, apparently.   When we get to the Fort, Gaer leads us around back to where they'd gotten inside last time. He shows us why they call him 'Lantern' by lighting up his arm. Neat trick. As he guides us into what seems to be the main hall, we find a couple of Kobolds. Cahir asks snidely if it's more Dwarves. I tell 'im that these're just Kobolds. Poor things don't have any armor on 'em worth mentioning, though they carry some fancy metal tubes. I ask if I can examine those, but Cahir magics up some kinda deed to this place after the Kobolds claim it's their house. Gotta say, his deed looked pretty official. Not entirely sure why he'd need Lamp to guide him to and through his own house, though.. Anyway, the Kobolds. As we're talking to the 3 in the main hall, 2 more wander in from the left hallway, also carrying some metal tubes. The one closest to us doesn't look like much, but he's got some spunk, and acts like he's the leader.   Diplomacy goes out the window pretty quickly. Cahir scared 3 of the sods into trying to run away, but he thought they were trying to attack. So he MASSACRED the lot of them. 4 of them crumple to a spell, and he just impales the 5th one. I get the feelin' this guy doesn't really do much negotiatin'. We start taking the metal tubes, since they didn't have much else of value on them. I tell Cahir to take the big tubes, and I'll take the small ones.   While we're doing this, 6 more come from the left hallway, and there's 3 that have a look from the right hallway. Understandably, they're not very happy about us maulin' and lootin' their buddies. Cahir tries his magic again, but I ask him if he's overdone it on the first guys, because it doesn't do nearly as much this go around. They just shake their heads a bit, instead of crumplin'. I go into my usual battlefrenzy, and I take out the 2 first ones on the left with a single strike each, and work my way up the line. I spare number 3 for a couple seconds to take out the one next to Cahir with extreme prejudice. 3 of them tried to shoot us, but nothin' made it past our Dwarven armor. Told him it was good stuff.   Then, the 3 from the right join in, and toss down some stuff. One of them chucks a pot of centipedes, another one tosses a jar of greenish slime, and the 3rd one lobs a jar of angry wasps. The centipedes try gettin' into Cahir and then my armor, but they can't get through. The wasps stung me like a [redacted - Dwarven swear], but quickly made themselves scarce in fear of my terrible wrath. Smart critters. Meanwhile, Cahir's cowed the 1 tosser that didn't beat feet outta there into submission, and is asking him about how many more Kobolds there are in this place. Turns out those 3 tossers are the last of the group that's squatting in his new fort. He stabs it through the throat after it's done answering questions. I ask him if this one was turnin' into a zombie, like archer boy from our last mission together. Cahir says he'd outlived his usefulness. I do hope he treats his allies better than that. He's gonna be up a creek without a paddle if he treats everybody like that.   We make our way into the room to the left, where the other 2 tossers ran off to, and we find them behind a busted metal door. One of them kneeling with a bigger metal tube on his shoulder. They shoot something that explodes against Cahir's shoulder. Dummy presented his chest instead of duckin' like he should. Dwarven armor's good lad, but it ain't magic. These guys realize that they made a huge mistake after the smoke clears, and we're all still standing. So they drop to their knees and start cowering as well. Cahir ties 'em up like he did the other one that surrendered, and starts asking questions. Apparently, the metal tubes are 'boomsticks', and they found them past the metal door that Gaer's last group couldn't get past. We find 1 more small boomstick in the room they were in, but it was all cleared out beyond that. As Cahir channels his inner me on the one that shot him with the explodey thing, I muse that these guys might've been a nice scoutin' party for the Guild, considering they managed to get past the door that stopped actual Adventurers last time. Oh well, too late for that now, since they're all dead. We decide to have a quick break to catch our breaths, so we're in proper fighting shape for whatever we might find in the cave.   We walk for about an hour, hour and a half until we reach the cave. Cahir manages to work out the direction to it from the fort, since we got directions from the village. Guess he's got some brains after all, and not just a massive hardon fer killin' helpless things. I heard about the Goblin massacre, kid. Anyway, we get to a cave, with a boulder that's been rolled aside at the latest a couple of weeks ago. There's 1 set of tracks going inside, and nothing coming out. I fear poor Bob's shed his mortal coil inside this place. I ask Lamp if he can light my torch, and the jokester makes it glow like he did his arm inside the fort. Not what I had in mind, but it does the trick.   There's some erratically timed flashing from the back of the cave, like someone's messing with a hooded lantern or somethin'. Inside, there's a thick layer of dust, with the same tracks that were outside. They bend off to a cave on the right, but there's also a set of tracks comin' back from that direction, so I say we check that out on our way back. Seems to be safe enough if Bob got in and out alive, after all. As we get to the far end of the cave, we find a big room with a strange machine doin' magic at the back. It's hummin' and shootin' lightning at the puddles of water and the rocks inside. Guess that explains the flashes. Since I can't really do much about the thing, and I don't wanna get fried.. I ask Cahir and Lamp if they wanna take care of it. Which they helpfully do. Cahir blasts it a couple times, but misses on his 3rd shot. Lamp steps up and shows us that he's more useful than just tossing easily-dodged blobs of acid at things. And he conjures up some magical darts that strike the thing and it explodes into a buncha pieces. At least the lightning's stopped now. So we go and investigate the remains. And we find poor Bob in the far corner, charred. Seems he got in there, messed with things he shouldn't have, and got fried. Cahir gives him some rites and rifles through his pockets. And I put his body by the exit to the room, so we can pick 'em up when we head outta here.   The machine had a very strange kind of magic. I feel a bit as if I'd be able to replicate it if I took some time to study it. What's left in the room now, is a big metal container, with a metal panel in front of it, which's got all kindsa buttons on it. There's nothing to stand on, so I clamber onto the thing with the buttons. The pitch of the humming it's doing is getting slightly higher. There's strange words in a strange kind of Common. Can read it, but it just feels kinda off. There's a button for something called "Diagnosis", one for "Cooling", and a red one that says "Emergency Stop". I don't know anythin' about this strange contraption, but I tell Cahir or Lamp to stand ready to hit that "Stop" button if things start lookin' like it's goin' wrong. My curiousity gets the better of me, and I start fiddlin' with the lever on my end of the thing. It's got numbers on it, goin' from '0' to '10'. It's at '6' when we find it. So I pull it to '5', and the hummin' gets softer. I get bold, and push it up to 7, and the hummin' gets higher again. The container starts trembling. I push it up to '8', and the trembling gets more intense. I wanna push it to '9', but the others say I shouldn't, so I don't. I put it down to '3' before we go, just to make sure it doesn't accidentally explode like the lightning thing.   As we drag Bob towards the exit of the cave, we put him against the wall while we foray into the side-cave we didn't check on our way in, with me in the front. When we get to the room at the end, some weird snake-worm like thing with a beak and tentacles drops down and tries to gnaw on my face. Poor sod picked the wrong fight. I jab it with my spear, Lamp hits it with the same thing that blew up the lightning machine, and Cahir strikes it with a vengeance, and just annihilates it with furious anger. Thing wasn't even tied up or anything.   Anyway, in the room it was seemingly guarding, we find some moldy wood and rusty mining tools. In a corner we find a chest with some old money and decayed clothes. We split up the coin evenly, and have some left over that we've figured we'd use to have a nice celebration for a job well done when we get back to Arnheim. We bring Bob back to the village, and they're grateful that we've recovered what's left of him, so they can give 'em a proper burial and such. After that, we head back to Arnheim to report our success, turn in the boomsticks we found for research, and get paid quite handsomely for a day's work. We get 25gp each for doin' the mission, and a collective 40gp to split among ourselves for the weapons we brought back for research. We add the 5gp left over from the chest, and split that one up evenly as well. No massive party, but we can decide how much we wanna spend now without worrying about needin' to pay extra. So it all works out quite nicely.   Signed, Rurik Ironscale, Scion of Clan Ironhammer.

On the next issue:

Chapels of the Chaste


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