Truth-tellers Serum Item in Chordas System | World Anvil

Truth-tellers Serum

The truth-tellers serum or brima yáwyroú is most often used in the production of ritual incense which smells of clove and pepper. This serum is made from three herbs indigenous to Eydan: sicklevine oil collected at midsummer, windsnap tree sap, and spice tree nectar or extract.

The truth-tellers serum dulls inhibitions and instincts to lie or hold in the truth while intensifying emotions and thoughtfulness. It brings freedom and honesty appreciated in ritual practices but is also used in interrogations. The serum is mildest burned as incense but can be ingested in food. Handle with care. Two of the ingredients are poisonous in large doses, especially to smaller species including pets.

The incense of truth is widely available but the raw serum is rare. 


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