Eyan Species in Chordas System | World Anvil


Intelligent, omnivorous bipedal mammals, Eyans are social, political, and energetic builders of society. Currently in an age of steam engines and continental expansion, eyan civilization was only momentarily stunned by aliens who fell from the sky on the outskirts of the northern shore.

Basic Information


Eyans are upright furry mammals with triangular ears which can move and flatten down like a cat's, wide-set eyes, a thick, long tail used for balance on rough ground, and long, dextrous fingers with sensitive pink pads on the fingertips. They have a sturdy rib cage protecting their internal organs. Their legs and feet are close to the plantigrade, developing an upright stance for stalking prey, gathering, and tool use.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Families make up a tribe. A tribe makes up a province. Seven Eyan Tribes, and now the new Human Tribe, work together through negotiations at the capital, through tribal and family leaders, and through guilds.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch, balance, spatial, and temporal.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

On the third day after birth, the mother names her cubs. She will choose family names from two or three generations prior or create new names with familiar sounds. Families have input, but the new mom has final say.

Relationship Ideals

Polyamorous family groups are the norm, though a couple who are together first when they are young are almost always the most emotionally attached to each other. You never forget your first love, but that doesn't mean you don't have more love to give.

Average Technological Level

Engineering, steam engines, scientific process, apothecaries.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Eyan Language is vaguely split between Court Eyan and standard Eyan, though the differences are diminishing by each generation as technological advances require new terminology and tribal leaders are having to take a more active roll in local project management.

Common Dress Code

Tribal houses have colors and the colors have significance. They also often compliment the most common fur color in a family. Tawny engineers don't wear orange, as it makes their fur look dull. Guildsmen wear practical, sturdy clothes. Leaders wear layers and brocade fabrics. One should be able to tell others of their family and work at a glance.

Common Myths and Legends

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Some other intelligent races inhabit Eydan. A fact the eyan are not telling their new human neighbors just yet. With eyan ingenuity and human technology, surely no one else could pose a threat.

65 years, but can live past 100 years.
Average Height
7' 2"
Related Myths

Articles under Eyan


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