Eneleizion Material in Chimera D10 | World Anvil


Eneleizion is a tourmaline which produces electricity when exposed to pressure and heat is mined in the depths of Thaigh Dural. It became a turning point in the maintenance and usage of the Iron Gier as they now had access to a theoretically unlimited power source.   This crystal is also known bu its color--turquoise tourmaline.


Material Characteristics

In its unrefined state, Eneleizion grows in slender triangular prismatic columns out from a main center-body. Often, the crystal itself is misshapen or with several uneven growths from a single column.

Physical & Chemical Properties

The particular mixtures of these of each element that make up Eneleizion (see below) give it both its sonoelectric and pyroelectric properties. As such, when the material vibrates at a particular frequency of sound (80 to 260 Hertz) or put under a high heat (exactly 40 degrees Celsius), it produces an electrical current.   Due to the voltage it contains, which largely depends on the shape of the stone, the stone will hum and glow. This is useful in Thaigh Dural where these crystals are used to power the machinery.


In terms of it atomic structure, it is made up of calcium, boron, aluminum, silicon, oxygen, hydrogen, and fluoride.

Geology & Geography

Eneleizion is found in the underground city of Thaigh Dural on the majority due to the area once being underwater and having dried out due to volcanic activity eliminating the river that once ran through the present-day canyon.

History & Usage


When the Iron Giers were discovered, they were brought from their underground caves like prizes into the light of day. That is when the machines awoke, but only briefly. Many of the Iron Giers when into a self-directed frenzy as though possessed by a spirit, which began the myth surrounding the Larva Machina.   When the machines collectively powered down, many were at a loss for how to power the machines. This went on for centuries until the issue was forgotten, the the Iron Gier were no better than glorified statues.   When Thaigh Dural was settled during that time, they began their expansion of the already present and ancient catacombs: they mined, they fortified, and eventually discovered Eneleizion. At the moment the it was dug into, the stone a volt of electricity shot through the laborer's pickaxe, and heated the metal without fire. This intrigued the laborer who reported it to his friend. The crystal was then extracted, and as they all puzzled over it, the crystal began to crackle and hiss with static electricity.   The phenomenon was reported and, still, years went on before it was utilized. No one during this time could yet comprehend the concept of electricity. It was when the crystal began to be used for stimulating the muscles of the death, then in physical therapy, and finally on the ancient technology of The Old Ones that the crystal grew in popularity and usage for the Iron Gier, the learning to refine Eneleizion was key to this process.

Everyday use

The common way to use Eneleizion is to power the devices of The Old Ones, which have given way to experimental and entirely plain trams, lights, and the Iron Gier.
Ozone / The Smell Before Rain
sulfuric, sour, acidic
Ranging from a Deep Sea Green to a Bright Turqoise
2.82 to 3.32

Cover image: Art Chimera by Madeline M


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