Copper Prompt Plotting Document in Chimera D10 | World Anvil

Copper Prompt Plotting Document

Welcome to my stream of csoncsiousness plotter page! This is my freewriting, which I am a little hesitant to let out into the world, but as it was asked for - here you go! The method is thus!  
  • Grab the questions and put them in a generic article template
  • Write a wee blurb for each question (aim for 300 words each)
  • Copy paste that blurb into the actual Summer Camp prompt template
  • Start writing in that prompt template with your blurb as inspiration
  •   The whole point of this is so that you never have to start with a blank page. Now, Go forth and conquer!


    The expanse I want to write about is the SHell. The shell is a cosmic sphere that encapulates the entire universe, but as it is one of the many spheres in the multiverse, one can try to jump across the shells, the spheres, also known as "loops" to hop across to other multiverses, planes of existance - it's all very much a gamble really - not an exact science. I want to evoke a sense of mystery, cthuhlu and eldritch wonder at the connection of space-time. Truly, no one has ever escaped the shell and gone beyond the multiverse to that dark and grey expanse where the gods live entirely separate from the lives of mortals, though try as they might to reach in. To the perspective of a god the world ahead of them is a gumball machine and what they try to externally manage is to keep as many gumballs in the machine as possible. this is not as easy as it sounds as many gods seek to increase their power by snacking on the gumballs. Now, as gum is not edible - so too are the individual shells - they are a vessel of life as a body is - nothing more. Thus when a "gumball" loses it's flavor - it is out of life to digest. Ah to be swallowed by a god or to see its cosmic teeth clamp down on existance only for a thousands voices to call out and all at once be silenced. Think of that the next time you eat anything >w>. Beyond that - the shells function to keep the contents of its dwellers inside safe. There are besing aside from gods that live in the dark gaps between universes that seek to swipe and catch anything in between. So, while there are natural laws that keep one grounded to their plane of existance, so too is there something there that swipes and seeks to catch if anything or anyone attempts to bridge those wide and limnal gaps.  


    There is an organization dedicated not just to space travel, but to planar travel as well. Much with Elder Scrolls and the idea that individual planets are plans of existance (you can see Oblivion, it is one of the moons, I think) so too do Planes of existance appear in space - as 3d objects. Let me elaborate on this concept a little - so we live in a 3d space and percioeve 3d, 2d, and 1d objects. 4d objects are presently beyond our conception - mostly because how could we make a 4d object using just 3d shapes? Well, you'd get something like a tesseract - something that bends time and space to bring two things closer together - ie. it metls into a 3d shape by way of how ... tight...? space is? don't worry about it, it's complicated, and so is space. Anyway, so planes of existance appear as 3d shapes when they touch other planes because of course they would - it's what makes sense to our eyes. Therefore planets are not planets they are planes. Sorry to demote you by a single "t" planets. Anywho this organization of psychonauts (except I can't take that name because that videogame series was too good and therfore I respect it too much) are the ones who traverse space, discover planes of existance, and dive into the gaps of the world in search of passages, connections. Another idea I can pull in here is to make sure I can use sympathetic magics here when I write this as wll. The only reason there is a multiverse in the first place is because symapthetic magic exists, and magic is eternal and pervasive. It stretches like the known universe strecthes. Anyway, so like produces like, and therefore we have lives mirrored across eternity.   YO WHAT IF - when you were suppose to die in a particular circumstance that you don't die then, but your concsiousness hops to the next life you were living in the multiverse and viola you keep living.  


    Okay, so I want to figure out what this terrifying creature is that lives in the gaps between the multiverse. What is it? what does it eat? why does it live there? did someone make it? I figure they were initially keepers of the gods, like pets who also just happened to be pest control. Maybe they existed as a way to stop other gods meddling in their worlds that they were creating. So, kinda like Cerberus, but for the gates around a god's individual world they were working on (a very unique kind of DIY prokect) anyway. So, these beasties were primordial creations that fell in the gaps when the worlds collided and the cataclysm happened. These beasties eat not because they are hungry but because it is simply thewir nature. So in control, there is this game that is called Control and in it there are these monsters called Fugues. I need to figure out that that word means, but maybe that is what these things are like or can be called, based soleyl on the concepot of the game? I don't wanna wholesale steal, so if it is not its own word, then I shall come up with something else. Anywho, these beasties - do I want them to function as balck holes if space isn't really behaving like space? Sure. Are they immortal though? - No. I want these things to be able to die >w> because then, what on earth happens to the contents of its stomach. That's a terryfing thought. - So, these things eat passers-by going between the gaps of space. Does that mean they can appear on the material plane? Surely - maybe even in dreams if they got desperate enough. - Maybe this is the only thing that can eat magic? What else can I think of about this guy. I guess I need a physical form. I almost want this thing like ink, but not Dementors, or like a squid but not Cthuhlu. Dang it, all the good amorphous shapes are taken xDDD - or maybe I just need time to come up with one on my own. Like a blanket. Ew. Maybe it's a blanket. Like the magician's worst table cloth it just eats everything.  


    OH GOD OKAY this is one that is either gonna take me the whole stream or maybe I can just throw words out like this and pray for the best that no one will notice I have no idea what vehicle to write about. ... But that's not exactly fair. FINE.   Okay. Spaceships have already been done, as have organic spaceships, and the like. ... But I want a ship powered by a psionic, hive-mind, or what have you. Like, the navigation of this ship which can go through space is alien and not exactly allied. Mayve the ship uses the Fufgues or whatever I am calling them as like a game of Mine-Sweeper, using that to direct the ship. That would make a ship a not necessarily kind place - fairly hostile and constantly seeking to devour you.   But maybe I want to go another direction. Maybe I was to describe a kind of... airship, sled, pod, that can help people get from one place to another (you know - the general purpose of vehicled. Perhaps I need to identify the need for the vehicle before I can fully commit tot w  


    Okay so space stations? Or should I do a settlement that borders a plane of existance - okay yes! it's a settlement that borders a plane of existance it has a ring around this spherical dome that hass planted and grown out of the ground and grown over time. The settlement is both a sceintific settlement as well as for those who happen to cross over back and forth between the plane. This settlement gets its power by restraining the plane of existance from growing too much furhter, and bubbling it - stealing all that good-good potential energy and then snacking on it and sending it to the rest of the facility. Kinda the opposite of nueclear reaction - instead of splitting molecules, it gets it's power from holding two molecules back and diverting their energy to something else. Imagine if you were trying to pull two magnets apart that were attracted to one another. That is essentially the process. The rest is fringe science that I know nothing about - so Research! Alright, so we have this first loop of the settlement where the scientific community insterested in this lived. IDoes this also ... just ... mean that this is technically the most land-locked space station ever? because if planes are - you know what never mind I am not going to break my brain on stream. But yes, this has potnetial.   So, the people who run this settlement - it can't be the scientists they are too busy doing the science. There has to be this board of directors that no one knows about that is running the ship  


    So. What is this power that is only harvestable from nature. It would need to be somehow tied to the shattered moon of silverglass I built up a while back and as well the space theme I have going. I have had this idea of cruystals that send out purple lightning. Okay. What if the power from these plants the ones around the planes create a waste product that is unstable? It solidified into these crystals which can eject electricity. - I am taking this idea from Dark Souls - you know how the dragon Seeth (or god, how do you spell his name? I don't want the DS community after me) you know that one scaleless dragon >w> and how he was crystalizing at the end of his life because that is kinda what all magical beings do at the end of their life? - Okay, what if there was this life cycle of magic and this was basically the process of it going back into a state of dormancy in order to recharge (ooo and that's a good plot function later, how man loses access to magic but gains access to electricity).   I don't think I'll have enough time to do 300 words for all of these, so I am going to take 3 minutes on the next two prommpts to get my ideas written)  


    I like the idea of a space species with a culture that lives in space. - Or I could finally write about the Myrrdin Balagri? ... what if I just commbined those two ideas, and make a new subspecies for my Myrrdins (basically my elves) and have there be space elves? 100% has this been done before, but Myrrdin in my world are at a population decline as their creator god is dead, and therefore no more myrrdins can exist in the world (there is a cap), and having a Quarter/Half myrrdin just MESSES with the entire cosmology. So, you get these space myrrdin - not who can live in the vaccuum of space (nah, that's too silly for me) but when a Myrrdin is born in space, they are out there among the like, corpse of theuir old god and take in some of that creation energy and become something new, and THAT becomes the future hope of the species?  


    Okay, I really have a death food. A food eaten at funerals, or someone's last meal. It is suppose to be a blessing - maybe among the rook people (basically haflings if they were also furries/anthromorphs if we're being scientific) and these guys don't want anyone to go anywhere without an empty stomach, so they have a big old feast in honor of someone.   Now, would this be the person's favorite dishes, or would it be a more traditional meal? Maybe there is one dish that no one living can touch, but it is given to the sick, the infirm, and the dead so as to not necessarily ease their passage, but to bless them and their health, no matter what path they tread in this life or the next.   Hell yeah. I love that shit. - It'd have to be a meal anyone could eat tho - vegetarian, vegan, carnivore. Maybe berries? Maybe it's like a pie? ... Or maybe it's legit a stick of butter i dunno xD. Is a tea food????

    Cover image: Art Chimera by Madeline M


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