Spidersilk Material in Chimborazo | World Anvil



Material Characteristics

It's no coincidence that the material is named the way it is. Even in their raw form, freshly collected, the strands feel to the touch like the finest silk, or at least that is the one material that comes close to the weird sensation spidersilk creates while running through your fingers, almost like flowing water. It is silvery in colour, highly reflective, with a pale shine to it.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Strands of spidersilk are very durable and extremely elastic. They are relatively thick in their natural form, because spiders secrete hundreds of tiny strands at a time that are weaved together as they exit their spinnerets. One strand can hold the weight of a giant spider (and thus easily that of an elf) and the material has overall extraordinary tensile strength.   The material is not very conductive and is initially slightly cool to the touch. While not resistant to flame, it does take longer to get heated up and start burning, and when dried it can be quite hard, if still brittle. Among its best and definitely it's most important property, however, is its receptiveness to enchantments and ability to retain magic properties far longer than most other materials. It's not entirely clear why that is, however it has lead some to believe that the giant spiders are inherently magical after all, and use spells to weave the silk in addition to their spinnerets and agile limbs.


The only thing spidersilk is used for is the creation of the fabric called "spidersilk cloth", which is considered the finest and most valuable fabric in the world. Spidersilk cloth is a way of weaving and stitching the strands of spidersilk in such as way as to create a very lightweight and durable fabric, from which only the finest garments are made.

Geology & Geography

It's only possible to obtain this material from the giant spiders that dwell in the deepest, darkest parts of the Ashenwood.

Origin & Source

Giant spiders secrete these silken strands to build webs, cocoons, to bind victims and to carry things to their lairs, not excluding things like rocks. After they are done using it, the spidersilk will simply lie on the ground or hang from a tree. Sometimes spiders will re-use existing strands, however spidersilk dries from its stickiness not too long after it has been produced. That's also when it's collected, since it's of little use while it attaches to everything it touches. Very rarely, fresh spidersilk is needed, which is exceptionally dangerous to acquire.   The spiders are not tame - quite the contrary, they are very hostile to anything that encroaches on their territory, and being two to five times larger than the witches tasked with collecting it, spidersilk can be very difficult to obtain sometimes.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Spidersilk cloth is used almost exclusively for garments and various clothing accessories. Sometimes, very rarely, lush carpets are made from it, such as the ones that line the homes of the Palace and the High Queen's Residence, but by far the most common use is for clothes.   The vast majority of items made from spidersilk cloth are official and ceremonious dresses, which in dark elven society can just as easily mean everyday wear. Aside from dresses, almost all garbs are occasionally made from the fabric, including undergarments, scarfs, skirts, capes, leggings, gloves, tops, sashes, even bags, pouches, etc.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Being exclusively collected and produced by the dark elves, this finest fabric is highly sought after by other people and thus incredibly expensive. Already known in trade as a source of luxurious items only, spidersilk cloth has slowly but surely become their most expensive and valuable export, overtaking other items such as Ashen gold or even potions.   As such, a great deal of care and dedication is put into the production of this fabric. A significant portion of the Coven is dedicated to training and overseeing witches that are capable of collecting, refining, and sewing the material. Not only as a valuable export, but also because it is in incredible demand among their own people. All dark elves are wealthy enough to afford it, and it becomes a question of how many items they want, and how often they want new ones.


After raw spidersilk is collected and the finer strands are unravelled from the thick grouping they are found in, the material undergoes a long and exhausting process. Treated in three different potions and solutions, the strands are washed from any residual stickiness and lined with a special balm that removes their soft glow (this step can be skipped upon special request), which is then also washed off with chamomile tea.   After this, the first enchanting process begins. Already elastic with great tensile strength, the strands are left to dry and sung enchantments of resilience and strength. They are smoked with lavender incense to seal the enchantment, but can later be smoked with something else upon request, if the owner wants their garbs to smell differently. The strands are then sown using a specially developed technique that's a guarded secret of the Witch Coven. This is when spidersilk cloth is formed from thousands of strands of spidersilk.   Once the fabric is created, it's enchanted again, now with various spells based on the needs of the specific clothing that will be produced. These include charms for luck, protection, warmth or coolness, etc. Already incredibly lightweight, spidersilk cloth is often additionally enchanted to be even lighter, resulting in the wearer feeling as if they are wearing nothing at all, save for the smooth and pleasant feel of the fabric against their skin, almost like wearing water or bathing in milk and honey.   With the fabric produces, sewing experts work it into various clothing, as requested. Originating in the Vale, that's most often in the form of a dress, of course. Sometimes the fabrics are exported instead of sewn, but clothing that's not made immediately after spidersilk cloth is produced is of lower quality.

Reusability & Recycling

While not technically eternal, clothes made of spidersilk cloth last far longer than those made of anything else. They can be used and reused many many times and are handed down from generation to generation by mortals who own such treasured pieces.
Ready-made garments from spidersilk cloth can't be bought with gold outside the Vale, at least not from the dark elves that make them. They are traded for, or gifted. The fabric can be purchased by itself.
Extremely rare outside the Ashevale.
Completely odourless, the material is perfect for its intended use as a fabric.
Spidersilk is a very distinct silvery-white colour with a glow to it that invokes thoughts of moonlight.
Common State
It's debatable where it's a thick liquid or a malleable solid.
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