Goner remover 9000 Condition in CHG/Central Human Gov't. "Where we at and how we at here?" | World Anvil
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Goner remover 9000

In order to gain an upper hand against the Goner Empire, humanity did a slight oopsy around the Geneva Convention and made a GMO disease that caused 98percent of any Goners infected to die. Best part is that, although an individual can gain immunity, they can't pass it onto their children so it can be used generation after generation. This disease is viral but there are specialised fungi that can be infected as well to produce large amounts of the virus. For images of the terrible effects of the disease (help I think the searches I do for this are making the FBI suspicious): [url=]https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBD_en-GBGB839GB839&biw=1280&bih=689&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=wkHxXOOOKMb4qwG19r_QBw&q=dying+lizard&oq=dying+lizard&gs_l=img.3..0j0i24.33243.36396..36517...0.0..1.170.1332.11j4......0....1..gws-wiz-img.....0..0i67j35i39.crsSuSI9tFw#imgrc=WOZazZJUDAuddM:

Transmission & Vectors

It spread through the air. Once infected, any Goner is done for but needs 2 days before they die. Throughout the time before then they breathe out the virus. Then they die after 2 days, usually taking an hour in which their lungs fall apart and they suffocate.


Well usually humans drop the disease on a Goner-filled planet to wipe out opposition.


Well the end bit is lungs falling apart but nothing shows before then.


None. And deliberately so.


If a Goner is diagnosed with this disease, then they're diagnosed with dead.

Affected Groups

98percent of Goners, with 2percent not being killed but not being able to pass on immunity to their kids.

Hosts & Carriers

There's a specialised fungi that carries it that humans would drop into the atmosphere.


Air filters aren't any good as the virus cells are small enough to get through most filters. Being in airtight systems. The virus naturally decomposes after being present for 2 years.


Humans are invading Goners while Goner military is busy with the LIR but need a way to quickly take planets. Time to commit a war crime.

Cultural Reception

Goners surrendered and were in constant fear for their lives, wearing pointless gas masks and going into bunkers. Humans were themselves shocked by the cruelty used and many were worried that a similar disease could be used on them.

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