Black Sorium Material in Chellok | World Anvil
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Black Sorium

Black Sorium is a rare mineral that forms during the interplay between gravitational, magnetic, and tectonic forces on Chellok. It was classified as having no use besides a decorative one by early Sugran and Human classifications. However, it has seen a recent bump in interest by top-level research teams in Delos, Torgath, and Gurrat.


Material Characteristics

Deep velvet-black that absorbs light extremely well. Under bright lighting and close inspection, one can make out tiny angular crystals that look almost like hexagonal hair columns.

Geology & Geography

Found in rare veins in The Saebian Mountain range on Chellok. It does not form naturally on Prakyun.
ionic wet pavement
metallic and earthen soily
velvet black
Boiling / Condensation Point
4,787 C
Melting / Freezing Point
1,750 C
Common State


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