Taurien Rule Keeper Profession in Charron | World Anvil

Taurien Rule Keeper

In days of old, the tribes and people were led by the Dreamspeaker, the Rule Keeper or "Ruler", and the Hunters Voice.  The Rule Keeper was a sage, and elder of acquired wisdom and experience as well as a charismatic leader.  They frequently were powerful warriors, but that was a secondary concern that was frequently taken over by the Hunt leaders or Voice.
Chie# ( tʃ-aɪ-r ). Taurien scholar. "Histories". T: 1987
  The traditional centaur tribe was composed of extended family groups composed of generational triads engaged in the divisions of gathering/ forage, hunting, and crafts.  The Dreamspeaker was the spiritual guide in appealing to the gods and reading the sending of the Gods and messages from other soul parts and spirits in dream.  The tribe had open debate and discussion of plans and activity with moderation and general leadership by the Rule Keeper.  Traditionally the Rule Keeper had memorized the tribes laws. With written language in the late copper age period, literacy replaced memorization as the laws were on scrolls. As the Rheeu Paths became integral to Taurien society the Rule Keeper was replaced by the ascension of most Honored and the highest Glory as the leaders of communities.



The Rule Keeper was once the maker of rules. And the enforcer. This was the function and position of "ruler" of a tribe or chief authority. Junior and alternate members of the tribe were trained in the rules and the Rule keeper would frequently confer with these lesser ranked members in debate of issues of tribal law and rules.  With settlement into villages and towns, these positions became more lawyerly and merely record keepers under new leadership titles.  As the Paths and Rheeu became established these leaders were of the Honor or Glory Path and Rule Keepers vanished.

Cover image: https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/ by mutterwolf


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Jul 24, 2023 01:28

Absolutely, with written records, someone memorizing as a profession will go by the wayside. That said, are there rule keeper hobbyists now, people who like the old oral ways and continue it for tradition and fun? Or maybe it's transformed into something else people do?

Kriltch, arcanities not included.