Skinchangers Species in Charron | World Anvil


They are the First Hunters, children of the Moons. In the Elder days the Skinchangers kept balance between the mortal and spirit world and acted as Champions and Guardians against the outside and Sidereal. Destroy corrupted or Warped spirits.
Forms: Beast form, War form (half-human, half beast), human form. True shape: personal animal form. -Full moon: wolf -Wax/Wane: Bear -gibbous/ Crescent: tiger or lion -no moon: rat Primal Skill: change shape, know 2 forms per Rank point plus 1 / lvl.  They may regenerate at a low rate, or push it to heal large injuries quickly. Powers: Rite of The Blood - performed before hunt and once prey is killed, may then take that exact form. Mouse to elephant, person or monster, once learned never ages or changes. Taste of blood : taste of blood to borrow a form for a brief period (upto 1 hr / lvl). Gift of blood: lend a known shape for upto 1 hr / lvl to a willing subject. Force of blood: forces a shape on a subject for 1 hr/ lvl. Taste of knowledge : blood to borrow skills or knowledge. Flesh form: may chose male, female or neuter forms
Made and awakened in the world of forms and senses, the people are the guard of the Weave of the world.  The weave is alive and all interconnected. Built and changing by the Weavers, spirits of the Astral. The people are to keep the weave, stop the corruption and destruction by errant threads or things from distant parts or outside.
New forms may arise as spirits shift and change.  The plant spirits that feed on happiness or dreams, or fears.  The people are given reason to think on what may stay or must be removed. What threads pull on which others in the Weave. The people are equal spirit and physical form to understand the balance.

Cover image: by mutterwolf


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