Selûne Character in Chardovia | World Anvil
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Divine Domains

Night, Light, Magic

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Crescent Moon, Fishhook

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Selûne's goals and motivations are a mystery.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Selûne - ever-present as the moon - witnessed Lolth's plot to overthrow Corellon. Using her divine power, Selûne saved Corellon's soul and wove it into the very fabric of the universe. The Goddess of the Moon cast Lolth out and curse her to wither in the light of the sun. (This is why - some argue - Drow only venture onto the surface during new moon). Lolth was banished to the Material Plane where she would become as ugly as her soul.


Selûne watches over Elves of all kinds (even the Drow, though they might resent it) and guides them in times of turmoil. Much like her sister, Lolth, Selûne sometimes appears in person to solve great dilemmas.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Selûne's favour and mood waxes and wanes like the heavenly body she commands.


Contacts & Relations

Selûne has been known to choose a champion or herald every few decades. She uses them to enact her will on the Material Plane if she cannot attend in person.

Family Ties

  • Corellon Larethian, Husband
  • Lolth, Sister
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Goddess of the Moon, the Tide, Maratime Travel, and the Season. Our Lady of Silver. Matron of the Moon. Arrow of Night.
Year of Birth
4000 BI 4814 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Created by the Primordial Gods
Current Residence
Silver to Blue to Black
Changes from Midnight to Silver and back again.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white

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Cover image: Moonlight by Jack Leyreloup
Character Portrait image: Goddess of the Moon by Christy Tortland


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