The Heretic Virus Condition in Char Navash | World Anvil

The Heretic Virus

The Heretic Virus is an uncommon but very strange ailment that doesn't kill, but does put its sufferers at the risk of permanent displacement from their reality. Like many of Hrashchar's oddities, the virus is a biological anomaly created - most believe - by the fallout of the Orkrell apocalypse millennia ago.   However it came about, it has been a part of life in Hrashchar for as long as anyone can remember. There is no way to immunise oneself against its effects but, thankfully, there is no evidence of one host transmitting it to another.   Despite its rarity, the Heretic Virus is particularly feared by the orcs of Koshtonir. As the site of the ancient Orkrell apocalypse, Koshtonir has had more documented cases of the Heretic Virus throughout history than any other region in Hrashchar (though cases have been documented as far afield as Sanapay, Ostanner and Graharsh). Orcs are also painfully aware that the fall of their ancestors' civilisation was likely the cause of the virus, so their fear is mingled with an unfortunate sort of historic guilt.   The virus' name comes from its rarest but well-documented final stage: interdimensional travel. Hosts in whom the virus takes full hold will be zapped out of Hrashchar's dimension and sent to any one of the planes adjacent to it, which are, incidentally, the realms of the gods, various worlds of the dead (which is the only way for the virus to, technically, kill someone, though the physics, biology and spirituality of it all get a little fuzzy), and, of course, the realms of the Bolgrim. It is this interdimensional travel that gave the virus its name, as the final stage would cause a host to set foot in a divine realm before their natural time.   The interdimensional travel aspect of the virus was long theorised, but was only recently proven by virologists at the Wishgiver Centre who had the opportunity to observe interdimensional particles that travelled through the temporary dimensional rift opened up by the patients' departure.   Prior to interdimensional travel, the symptoms of the virus first manifest as numbness in a person's extremities, then occasional sensory loss and, finally, a fuzziness to their appearance as their body begins to slip between the planes. There is no known cure. Some people just manage to recover before reaching the final stage, and go on to live completely normal lives. There are also documented cases of gods and Bolgrim healing supplicants, though their help can rarely be replied upon.   Of note, too, is a group who claim that interdimensional travel is actually a gift from the plane-hopping Dragons, and regularly take pilgrimages to Koshtonir in the hopes of contracting the virus. They argue that if the hosts never actually die, and merely get transported to another plane, is that not something to be sought after? How many mortals actually get to live in another plain? It is a fringe view, but one not seen as completely ridiculous.


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