Sphongos Item in Chapters of the Monumidium | World Anvil
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Sphongos, also known as Bloodbane, is a fungus-like organism that is found almost exclusively on Bloodbane Island, in the far western Falfeir Sea. They can grow dense and tall enough to create their own forest canopies. The abundance of sphongos plants on the island has resulted in an entirely different ecosystem than anywhere else in Ebdypha. As such, it doesn't grow anywhere else.   In a fresh or relatively fresh state, Sphongos fruits will burst open, erupting with airborne spores if disturbed. These spores cause both extreme irritation and numbness, often causing victims to damage their own skin by scratching too much. These spores are carefully used as a numbing medicine if combined with other ingredients to minimise irritation. Its flesh is covered in a substance which can vary from oily to chalky depending on the weather and season, and if ingested, can cause the body to reject all other substances for days, often resulting in illness or sometimes death. This is sometimes used in very small doses to force other harmful toxins out of the body. The flesh itself is the most benign part of the sphongos, though it can cause gastrointestinal problems.   Due to its various hazards, harvesting sphongos is a dangerous and expensive endeavour, but its medicinal properties make it a valuable export of the western Syrfeireas peoples.  


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