Hafshar Ethnicity in Chapters of the Monumidium | World Anvil
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Hafshar are ascended Daemonas who forsook the ways of their master, Faeer, and became physically transformed. During the Enlightenment, a group of Fharneas who were with Faeer became the Daemonas, and became shadowy and keen, and they moved in darkness and also bore great power. Similarly, those who were with Zhezel at the time were struck with power as divine light fell upon Zhezel. These Aerendas became demigods and were seen as holy winged figures by the people. The coming of Aerendas and Daemonas brought about new ages of war among the Fharneas.
  Hafshar are much more human in appearance than Kafar, usually possessing only horns, pointed ears, sharp nails and teeth, and fierce eyes as telltale signs. Like other Dyuminor, they are egotistical and can easily live hundreds of years. They are especially good at hiding in shadows, and have an innate ability to mimic vocals they hear, but are egotistical, cannot be magically healed, and must maintain a diet of meat. As with Aerendas, they are hurt by direct moonlight, but lose the divine susceptibility of other Daemonas.
  Although Hafshar have turned against Faeer and entered the human world, they still love power and pleasure. They often have positions where they can exert power over ordinary people and manipulate them, whether it's directly physical, financial, or something else. Many Fharneans fear Hafshar, and as such, it is rare for Hafshar to live within realms under the control of the Argent Order.


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