Faeer Character in Chapters of the Monumidium | World Anvil
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Faeer is a Runar of Fallasar and embodies chaos. After Fallasar's death, Zhezel took the Fharneas people to the Lesser Zhames, but Faeer also wanted to control the Fharneas, so he and Zhezel fought one another for the right to rule over these people. During this time the Paesar Kingdom formed, but it did not last beyond the Enlightenment.   During the Enlightenment, a group of Fharneas who were with Zhezel at the time were struck with power as divine light fell upon Zhezel. These Aerendas became demigod Reliqus and were Zhezel's best warriors and most trusted assistants, and were seen as holy winged figures by the people. Similarly, those who were with Faeer became the Daemonas, and became shadowy and keen, and they moved in darkness and also bore great power. The coming of Aerendas and Daemonas brought about new ages of war among the Fharneas.  
This age of war culminated in a fight between Zhezel and Faeer and all their strongest warriors. The Aerendas overpowered the Daemonas and Zhezel captured Faeer and sealed him underground, but Faeer's power was fierce and Zhezel had to remain in place to hold the seal. The Aerendas ascended and became leaders for the Fharneas, but soon divided themselves without Zhezel's guidance, and some fell and conspired to help Faeer instead. Similarly, the Daemonas were mostly exiled to the underworld, though some changed their ways and ascended, living among mortals and even siding with Aerendas.


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