Elesynaric Religions in Chapters of the Monumidium | World Anvil
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Elesynaric Religions

Elesynaric religions are a group of religions that all share their origins in Elesynarism, which was the dominant belief system in the region of the Arasithae Shogunate. Eelsynarism is an ancient faith that emphasises the harmonious balance between earth, water, and light. Core texts, teachers, and rituals all revolved around the following beliefs:
  1. Earth is the sustainer, provider, and foundation of life.
  2. Water is the cleanser, renewer, and carrier of life.
  3. Light is the wisdom and power that gives life meaning.
Over time, these three core elements began to be emphasised in different areas: Those who lived to the south in the Drowned Kingdom favoured water, those who lived in the northwest near the Pearl Monument favoured light, and those who lived in the northeast in the Ammon Wetlands favoured earth. As these societies grew, the cultures and their respective rituals became more different, and over time conflicts between these peoples became tied up with conflicts between the elements: Earth regarded Water as flippant and Light as arrogant, Water saw Earth as greedy and Light as suffocating, and Light saw Earth as archaic and Water as unenlightened.   Scholars and leaders were forced to strengthen their own portion of the belief system to protect themselves against the growth of opposing beliefs, and this led to distinct differences in Elesynarism, and three opposing sects came about. Religious debates and confrontations began to get mixed up with other issues such as economics and politics, and now, despite the Arasithae Shogunate technically having one shogun, the land is in a perpetual state of conflict. The Ammon Wetlands are one of the most disputed regions, due to the Geosynarics and Hudrosynarics both claiming it as their own, thanks in part to how fertile the area is.  


Phosynarics believe in the primacy of light as the true source of truth, wisdom, and enlightenment. To them, the nearby Pearl Monument is a sacred blessing, and even though the monument is dangerous to enter, Phosynaric monks spend time in their dressed in special garb in order to acquire divine wisdom and power, despite it damaging their bodies in the process. Phosynarics believe that one must always seek the truth, and thus seek the light, and that darkness brings ignorance and deception. To them, the pearl is the ultimate symbol of the purity of light.  


Geosynarics believe in the power of the land to provide and sustain for them. They venerate the earth, mountains, and grasslands, and seek a harmonious existence with nature. They believe that light and water are only complementary powers, and that the land is the true source of life. Porcelain and clay is special to the Geosynarics, and they produce some of the highest quality ceramics in all of Ebdypha. They believe that landmarks are sacred and should be preserved, and that protecting traditions is a divine obligation.  


Hudrosynarics believe that the perpetual rains of the Drowned Kingdom are a divine blessing and a testament to the cyclical and unstoppable nature of life. Given that the rivers of the shogunate are some of the greatest in Ebdypha due to the nonstop rains, the Hudrosynarics emphasise that much of life in the shogunate is thanks to this sacred rainfall. Because nonstop rain comes with nonstop cloud cover, the dark and wet qualities of this region forces the Hudrosynarics to become adaptable.


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