Ahegaalwa Character in Chapters of the Monumidium | World Anvil
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A long time ago, east of the Murajar Mountains, an Abyssian known as Ahegaalwa began to emerge from the Abyssos. Umaruq leapt forth to defend his people, and fought against the mighty monster. They became locked in combat for an age, and eventually they dealt lethal blows to one another at the same time. Their blood and tears mixed and formed the Idomarth Sea, but legend has it that a part of Ahegaalwa ended up in the Katorus Peaks of the Jatthirae Empire, causing Aplaima. In remembrance of the Runar who sacrificed themselves, the Duskari and Jatthirae lived around the new sea, for it brought prosperity being such an enormous source of fresh water. The remains of Ahegaalwa are often fished up from this sea and are used to make Evercandles.


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