Wolf spider Species in Chaotic Potential | World Anvil

Wolf spider

From the deepest long shadows of foreboding forests to shattered cities of a bygone age, lies the lairs of the legendary wolf spiders. Covered in fur as blue and sleek as the night, these mysterious monsters rival the size of Earth’s great wolves. But they aren’t like any fur covered spider. What really sets these silent stalkers apart in appearance is the white and pure star-shaped pattern blazed across their backs. A badge of maturity, skill, and promise of lurking death.
But then, there is their cruel queen. This sinister she-devil holds absolute power in her dark domain. Her blue fur is as dark as the cosmos, broken only by her glimmering red eyes and a splash of white on her back. Not a star like her subjects, because only the dark queen bears the wintry white crown poised over a sinister skull. The sign of her rightful place as ruler over a Silkhold, the dark web-coated domain of the wolf spiders.

A Bloody Bite All Their Own

These are no ordinary spiders. Wolf spiders are nature’s own vicious vampires, preying on the blood of the unwary and innocent. Silently stalking their prey through dark forests, shadowed ruins until they find the right moment to strike. They can sense each nearby vibration as sharp as a bloodhound does with scent. A terrifying talent that makes them lethal trackers.
But beware their bloody bite, as these beasts do more than nibble. As in fact, wolf spiders have a vile venom. With that one bite, they inject venom into their victim. But this terrible toxin comes with a twist, for this is no ordinary venom. This powerful poison doesn’t kill, but transforms through the uncanny Weavevirus.
Once bitten, anyone infected with Weavevirus undergoes a terrifying transformation at the next full moon. They become another wolf spider, bound to serve the wolf spider queen of the local Silkhold. But, there is still hope. A victim can be cured with a potion of boiled merdragon scales and wolf spider webbing. Provided they down this dubious drink before the next full moon.
If that brewed beverage isn’t available, there is another way. The wolf spider queen herself. Where the bite of her fiendish followers gives the Weavevirus, hers takes it away. But this isn’t something she gives to anyone. A victim has to earn it.

The Turn of a Riddle

Wolf Spider Queen by JJ Kirby
This vicious vixen has a love for riddles, both being asked and asking. Anyone looking to receive her cure must answer one of her favorite riddles, or give her one she can’t answer. But beware, these queens are wise beyond their years, steeped in the lore of eerie enigmas and uncanny mysteries. To battle this royal threat requires sharp wits over the sharpest sword.
So, for any adventurer that ventures deep into the dark forests or lone ruins where webs cloak the trees in a ghostly silver shroud, its best to keep a sharp watch. For each step, every breath could attract the lurking threat of wolf spiders hungry for blood.
Baby Wolf Spider by JJ Kirby
Monstrous arachnid
Temperate forests or ruins
70-80 years
Average Weight
200 - 230 lbs
Average Length
5.75 feet long (4 feet tall to the top of their body)
Geographic Distribution
Most often on
  • Earth
  • Sow Terra
  • Ba'bonos
  • Vulpi Hassani

  • Cover image: Lost Knowledge by CB Ash (using Krita)


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