Snow Troll Species in Chaotic Potential | World Anvil

Snow Troll

Fresh from the blinding blizzard of cold and snow is the terrifying titan of ice known as the snow troll. This frosty fiend towers over its victims at a looming eight feet and weighs in at a hefty 500 pounds. No simple snow hare, this monstrous marauder is sculpted from snow, ice, and freezing wind, then wrapped with rage and hunger. A behemoth of horror and ice that radiates a spine-chilling frost.
Its body is a bastion of cold resistance. Square-built shoulders with massive arms end in icicle-like claws. Set on a wide, angular head are bright, piercing blue eyes like twin sapphires of cold rage. Below that, a jaw of frost-bitten proportions waits, jagged icy teeth ready to rend and tear.
This cold-hearted beast is no easy target. Both blade and arrow have to strike more than one to break through the snow troll’s natural frozen armor. A chilling advantage to bring to bear over even the most experienced adventurer.
But these icy terrors do have an Achilles’ heel. While their frozen habitats offer protection against cold, and water heals them right as rain, they aren’t immune to heat. Fire, no matter if mundane or magical, is the snow troll’s bane.
If this abominable adversary is hit with a fiery assault, the reaction is instantaneous. What was once a snow troll becomes a melting statue, its icy armor melting away, leaving behind a soft, vulnerable snow creature.

Icy Isolation

Like any other troll, these frosty behemoths avoid the busy life of civilization. Instead, they favor icy mountain peaks, frozen ruins, and snowy tundras over a bustling market any day. Their perfect day at the beach is a teeth chattering ice storm on a mountaintop.
But if hunger gnaws at their frigid bones, these sinister snow beasts venture from their winter wasteland in search of a warm, tender meal. The unsuspecting denizens of nearby settlements, farms, and even cities, are all fair game. With, of course, a chewy adventurer as a light dessert.
They move silently amid snowstorm and twilight, then snatch their next meal from around dark corners. Even the seasoned adventurer is not safe from a snow troll’s relentless appetite. A chilling reminder that danger can lurk behind every snow drift or ice-coated tree.

Frosty Fellowship

At first glance, snow trolls appear to be solitary creatures. But during bountiful times, they are known to form loose communities called ‘squalls’. Their community is much like the mud, or other trolls. A raw, violent society where the mightiest troll wins over their weaker kin.
Snow Troll by Profesone
Monstrous humanoid
Trundra, mountains, glaciers
Average Height
8 to 8.5 feet tall
Average Weight
500 pounds
Geographic Distribution
Any Voidrealm world such as:
  • Netherwarren
  • Earth
  • Sow Terra
  • Like all trolls, the pecking order in a squall is based on raw power and size. The stronger the troll, the higher its standing. The leader, or ‘Ice Tyrant’, claims first pick on all hunting loot, tasty adventurer, and best icy grotto to lounge in. They are also the ones who are sent out to fight for new territory against other Ice Tyrants, or defend theirs against all comers.

    Chilling Chatter

    Despite that icy exterior, snow trolls are quite the chatty beasts. From grunt to grumble or roar, they don’t hesitate to communicate with others of their kind. It’s a rough language, as harsh and cold as the trolls themselves.
    Similar to mud trolls, snow trolls also have a code of conduct. Stealing is allowed if the thief manages to freeze out the competition, or the victim, of their thefts. If caught, the thief is subjected to swift, stone cold justice. Often, this takes the form of staking them out to greet the all too warm morning sun for a day. But, in more serious cases, the offenders are branded with an icy mark on the back, then exiled from the squall. After which, they are left to fend for themselves in the wintry wilderness.
    So the next time an adventurer is looking to walk through a winter wonderland, they’d better be prepared. Fire spells and sharp eyes are the order of the day unless that adventurer wants to wind up a frosty fancy feast.

    Cover image: Lost Knowledge by CB Ash (using Krita)


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