Mindgrazer Species in Chaotic Potential | World Anvil


A mindgrazer is the stuff of nightmares. This creature can be found on any world of the Voidrealms. They prefer the comfort of darkness, so these creatures call ruins, sewers, or dark caverns home.
These monsters are twisted abominations. Living gemstone boulders that contain a slug-shaped beast with countless eyes that connect to a single, central eye. Combined, the creature is a snowglobe of horror. The central eye is the original creature, while the smaller ones are its extensions. Those eyes are monuments to the unwary or foolish that crossed the mindgrazer’s path.
Mindgrazers are masters at manipulation, weaving detailed plots and using powers of hypnosis to turn a victim into a willing tool. Anyone a mindgrazer cannot turn, they kill. They do that through either attacking their mind, or devour them whole.
Telepathic attacks from a mindgrazer are a brutal assault. The magic burns through the victim’s mind with each blast until their mind is boiled away. To be eaten by a mindgrazer means being sucked inside the gemstone boulder, and then slowly digested over several days. In the end, they are transformed into another one of its many eyes.
A mindgrazers’ obsession with power rivals their base cravings for food or magic. It isn’t uncommon for one to set themselves up as the secret leader of a thieves’ guild or criminal organization. From there, they use the organization and its members as disposable tools and appendages. Means to help the mindgrazer establish their control over a region while they expand their personal hoard of wealth.
Crystal Beholder by JJ Kirby
Geographical Distribution
  • Ba’bonos
  • Kazik'tar
  • Sow Terra
  • Vulpi Hassani
  • Fowlavis

  • Cover image: Lost Knowledge by CB Ash (using Krita)


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