Shawanja Tiverton Character in Channel Cities and World of Ærnth | World Anvil

Shawanja Tiverton

Written by Adsmalley

Shawanja owns and runs K4-71 Tiverton Bakery and Breads with her husband Yebaor Tiverton. She tends to deal with the customers more than her husband, as she is more personable and good natured, while her husband tends to be less honest and insensitive despite being very patient. In addition to her "native" tongue of Argentum (having grown up in the Channel Cities), she also speaks her parents native language of Kentreth (since they were originally from Tighláhrubha Continent and came to the Channel Cities before she was born), as well as having picked up the basics of the Balmast language (since some of her friends speak it in more private settings).   She is a very small woman, being less than 5 feet tall, thin and very frail-looking. They have two young children.   Note that NPC stats can be found through the "Secrets" button when available to GM's who have registered to access to them.   Access NPC list for the Channel Cities Alphabetical NPC's List by First Name or Channel Cities Alphabetical NPC's List by Last Name. Return to Channel Cities, Martelain, or the K4 Merchant’s Square District of Martelain.
mismatched pale blue (left) and bright green (right) eyes
black hair in a long braid
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
black skin tone
4' 10"
98 lbs.

Cover image: by Aaron Smalley
This article has no secrets.


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