K4-47 Nacaum's Food Market Building / Landmark in Channel Cities and World of Ærnth | World Anvil

K4-47 Nacaum's Food Market

Written by Adsmalley

This large single-story building of wood post and beam construction with a roof of overlapping wood planks serves as a food market, with a wide range of grains, fruits, vegetables, eggs, and other various farm products being sold here. It is owned and managed by Orsmond Nacaum and his wife Azuwei Nacaum, who market products from several large farms that are located within a few days travel of the Channel Cities.   Floor plans for this establisment will follow when time permits to scan them in and get them uploaded.   Return to Channel Cities, Martelain, or the K4 Merchant’s Square District of Martelain.

Cover image: by Aaron Smalley


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