The Egg

Counterpar to The Lost Egg this is the remaining unhatched egg from the nclutch of Jorrath and Sbrithnir. Many cultures have tales concerning Thousand Year Old Eggs, but few of those tell of the egg subsequently hatching. In the lore of then Drakiss there are cases where drakkun have emerged from eggs of seven or eight hundred years but none of eggs exceeding a thousand, so nowadays few, saving the most ardent of Eggheads, expect the egg to hatch and it,along with its gathered materials, is seen a representation of the culture and history of the Morton Drakiss.


The Egg represents the origins of the Morton Drakiss - not in the direct biological sense but as a link back to the drakkuns of their past. It is the centre of the rituals of the Cult of the Egg and the inspiration for the messianic prophecies ofn the Eggheads. Whlist most Morton Drakiss see it simply as a material object it is to all the most defining and most important object that they can name.
Put simply, the egg is unique. True, other drakkun eggs exist and some reputed drakkun eggs may be found in the collections of intrepid adventurers and rich diletantes - but many of these have been found to be fakes. Most eggs hatch within a few years or decades of being laid and are jealously guarded by their parents or their crews of drakiss and some of these build up quite a collection of stands, boxes and other items for the care of the egg. As the Morton Drakiss have been a wealthy crew and spent more than a millenium lavishing their care on "The Egg" the whole assembly xis unmatched, though many other drakiss find it strangeb and deeply disturbing.
Raw materials & Components
The egg itself is typical of drakkun eggs, though darkened with age. It is kept in a gold latticework box where it sits in the crystal bowl presented by Caddock, Fourth Moran Duke cushioned by a nest of gassamer thin gold wire.


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