Tokrim Ethnicity in Chaha Ris | World Anvil
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According to the Tokrim they are a people who broke free from the gods during the First Days when the gods fought amongst themselves. To this day they live as nomads roaming the deserts and wild places in tribal bands, settling for short spells as need dictates and knowing the location of every oasis and resting place in even the harshest territory. They are a paradoxical people, hostile to outsiders most of all, but taking the side of other Tokrim tribes against the Cheldrim or the armies of the city folk of Telek Tarim and Nan Tarim. People say they cannot ever be trusted to do anything but serve their own needs, but those who have gained their trust speak of them as the most loyal people alive.      

Social Classes

Tokrim life is very much a meritocracy. There is no distinction in their custom between one person and another by virtue of their birth and a man or woman is accorded respect based upon their own character and talents. A warrior of proven courage born to a driller of wells will be regarded more highly than a chief's son who has proven unsteady or inept. Rulership of the clan often runs through family lines but this is not a fixed thing and challenges if valid will be respected- a chief who refuses to defend their position would lose the respect of the clan.  


  The Tokrim shun the Gods of Chaha Ris and each tribe carries their own holy things around with them, setting up their shrines and taking them down again as they travel. They put their faith (if not their trust) in the Spirits of the Tokrim whom they propitiate and cajole and occasionally demand favour from. Their holy men and women are wild things, shamans who wrest the secrets of power from the gods they carry with them.


Shared customary codes and values

Protect the tribe. Show courage. Do not back down without a fight. Rise from every loss and setback.

Common Etiquette rules

The leaders of different tribes greet each other with gripping handshakes that extend to each others' elbows.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Upturned shoes

Coming of Age Rites

As soon as a child is old enough they are taught to wield weapons in the defence of their tribe from outsiders

Common Myths and Legends

They worship the Spirits of the Tokrim


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