Ethnicity: Projects Humans Ethnicity in Ch'lores | World Anvil
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Ethnicity: Projects Humans

Earth human shapes, thinner legs, bigger arms and hands.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Clyonna, Lileon, Kassynd, Moggie, Delkka,

Masculine names

Xenom, Jenyk, Zakvu, Attra,

Unisex names

Ninh, Light, Shiima,

Family names

Dolvesky, Hermmasson, Mousllion, Demetere, Artemellos

Other names

Chreollus, Ethllen, Crimsonheart,


Major language groups and dialects


Culture and cultural heritage

NEXTITUS Desert Underground Cave   HECTIAS associations   Arcane Culture   Science and technology culture

Shared customary codes and values

(According to Casting Master's Creed)

Average technological level

Elite level, uses arcane power, and bit a time freezing techniques.

Common Etiquette rules

(According to Casting Master's Creed)

Common Dress code

No overexposed dressing in public place,   Dress saftly when doing projects,

Art & Architecture

Arcane River,   Arcan River Castle(Gothic style architecture),   NEXTITUS Desert Underground Cave(Artificial, Ancient Egypt styles)   HECTIAS Above ground Industry(Spherical auditorium)

Common Customs, traditions and rituals


Birth & Baptismal Rites

1 year-old, choices of profession by choosing logos of the profession(Fate),

Coming of Age Rites

15 years-old -- Second time--Choices of profession(by his/her mind)

Funerary and Memorial customs

Dead body will be sent in a labortary in HECTIAS, decomposition to ashes, useful resourses(energy, arcane power). The ashes returns to their family, and build a tombstone in west of NEXTITUS Desert far away from this city.

Common Taboos

(According to Casting Master's Creeds or ethics)

Common Myths and Legends

(Casting Master)

Historical figures

The first leader -- a Scholar, a Mathematician, and a stonemason


Beauty Ideals

luxury with gear(s), Ring on finger, Being confidence, nurturing, healing behaviors, Knowledge is a form of beauty as well

Gender Ideals

Male: Protect, being a mason/ instructor/ scholar/ engineer/ mage/ making weapons or armors.   Female: Heals, procreate, being an instructor/ nurse/ mage.

Courtship Ideals

Courage, studious, tutelary, willing to help others, arcane power(options),

Relationship Ideals

Willing to help others, treat equally with other professions.

Major organizations

HECTIAS--Common Develop Association

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