Organization: HECTIAS--Common Develop Association Organization in Ch'lores | World Anvil
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Organization: HECTIAS--Common Develop Association

Development is the number one priority.   The biggest weapon and technology seller, the biggest military defense power of the organization in this world. Infinite experimentations for human development. The good news is, they don't harm the environment too much.


The chairmen convene leaders to conferences, but the power is divided by three leads of Scientifics, Engineers, and Military.

Public Agenda

Focus on development


Arcane stones, Arcane Force Institute (AFI), Arcane Ricer Water Purification System (ARWPS), Arcane propeller, Time Freezer(Beta), Quantum energy synthesizer, Nuclear re-combiner,


Founded by a master Scholar, a master Mathematician, and a master Stonemason, divided by the 3 departments,   In 56 B. C., The arcane stone power is founded in this organization,   In 0 A.C. The arcane river is started flows by the leader of the stonemason and mathematician.   In 120 A.C. The first arcane power weapon has produced: Arcane Bow*& Arrow *Arcane Bow& Arrow: A ring prototyped that gives a shape of bow and arrow in white& yellow color light. when hit, the shape of the arrow will disappear.   In 145 A.C. The first arcane power armor has produced: Arcane Shield* Arcane Sheild: A wooden shield which is enchanted by arcane, it reflects physical damage form attacker in front, and block physical damage from back.   In 150 A.C. Many of the arcane power weapons used in military,   In 206 A.C. Congrats, we beat those barbarians easily.   After the war, our organization produces and development more arcane weapons and set up more college.   In 208 A.C., our organization has named "Common Develop Association", supported by the country more, we got tax-free(YES!!)   We are still at the underground, to make and research secretly.   A lot of weapon buyers and researchers are willing to come can trade with us, begins in 736 A.C.   "We changed the climate!! Now we have some forests and bushes!!"-- Notes taken in 748 A.C.   In 820 A.C. We find that a lot of foreigners come in and out, our secrets seem easier to be stolen, we are building the arcane barrier this year.   In 823 A.C. Arcane Force Institue has established   In 1050 A.C. We have built the arcane barrier, and our country builds the new law to protect us!!   -------------------------------------------------------------------- file missing--------------------------------------------------------------------

Demography and Population

616,438 people in our organization totally


98,700-kilometers square. In the middle of HECTIA, underground


Arcane Force Institute (AFI): Arcane Barrier,   Arcane Engineer Union(AEU): Time Freezer, Quantum energy synthesizer, Nuclear recombine, A.I. Soldiers, Intercontinental laser cannon,   Ar-Chemical(Arcane and chemistry) Laboratory (ACL): A. I. Healers, Military Laser scanning Healing System(M-LSHS),

Technological Level

Military: Arcane Laser Power, Arcane Shield Techniques, Town-to town portals (Beta) A. I. Military Strategies, Quantum energy synthesizer, A.I. Flesh-Holographic projection and duplication Facilities (Under development) Time Freezer (Reference: Bullet time in ) Military Laser scanning Healing System (M-LSHS)


Casting Master's Creed.   They have the ability to use arcane power.   They are more likely being an instructor to nurture more students and help them procreate and achieve.

Foreign Relations

Neutral, but.. whoever willing to buy our products(Technologies, weapons), we are the alliance. Whoever willing to come and join researching with us, we are the alliance. Protecting the world.

Agriculture & Industry

Weapon production Machine investigation Medical research

Trade & Transport

We have a secret- trade squad(Military), Buyers come to NEXTITUS Desert which is the place that arcane power has suspended by HEC's arcane barrier, and the trade squad will come with portable rocket propeller and finish the trade. Trades are must be safe, it impacts how much resources traded in the future and the relationship with other countries. This is the only way that they trade with other countries.


Averaged Doctor's degree. 1/2of the populations are Master's degree, 1/5of the populations are Doctor's degree,


town-town portals (Beta)   Courts/ Halls,   Arcane Ricer Water Purification System (ARWPS),   Arcane stone mining machines,   A. I. Hospitals   Playgrounds, gyms, movie theaters, food courts

Mythology & Lore

After 1362 B.C, the first time Nuclear power bombed this country, the residents Fall into the faithless situation, then the lights come from the underground, a light with gears who's called "Casting Master". He came and healed those people with laser and arcane power, and the residents follow Him and learn how to master scholar, engineering, chemistry, and astrology. The first thing they did, was building the defending systems secretly. After the country had risen again, the Casting Master was backed to the underground.   800 years later, The Casting Master has backed again, He thought it is not enough. By His Power, the residents were willing to learn more, and He gave the Mother mine of arcane stone underground. Before He left, He told them: "I want you to be like this arcane river, fertile, pure, and never ended."

Divine Origins

Come from HECTIA in NEXTITUS Desert. The teachings were in the underground, College and institutes are good places for the sacrosanct rituals.

Cosmological Views

The world comes by "Mind", In this world, you and I are virtual, most of the things happen do not matter, it is the time that how you deal with.

Tenets of Faith

Creation is the idea to nurture people. Do like what the Casting Master has done. Being confident even it's failure.


Development is the number one priority element what people do, but whoever overexploitation leads to damage environment is guilty.   Develop weapons are welcome, A deliberate injury is guilty.   Do things make neighbors feel confidence, Making others lack of confidence is guilty(Casting Master's watching!)


Whenever and Wherever you do works, the spirits are all surrounding you. Whatever it's success or failure, you gained a lot of knowledge anyways. Keep being confident.


Divided by 3:   Mason/ Engineer Scholar/ Chemist/ Biologist Defender/ Healer

Granted Divine Powers

Arcane Power!!! Has an ability to control nature laws for experiments or wars ONLY   More likely being an instructor to nurture more students, and help them achieve.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Impact directly, the country is built with religion. So, basically the national law is based on the creeds.


An argument that how the religion influences the country, some people(Innovationist) think it is the arcane power changes the fate, some else(Conservative) think it is scientific and the given laws.



    Photoshoot by Clinnie M. Losina and her pet eagle, 954 A.C.

Unknown--(about 3000 years history from now) - -

Corporation, Research & Development
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Credits, Chips under skin.
Major Exports
Arcane Purified Water (but..why?) Weapons, Technology recipes, Arcane stones, Machines, A. I.
Major Imports
Grains, leather, fur, cotton, milk, meat, vegetables (Imports from HECTIA UNION)
Legislative Body
The lead of the masons
Judicial Body
The lead of the scholars
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Related Professions
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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