Spiecie: Ch' Terran Species in Ch'lores | World Anvil
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Spiecie: Ch' Terran

Human shape

Basic Information


Stand upright with 2 legs and feet, manufacturing tools and using magics with both arms and hands.   Due to the low gravity compare with earth, their legs are thiner and longer, and arms and hands are little bit bigger.

Biological Traits


Genetics and Reproduction

Compare with humans in earth, they are still reproduce with sexual intercourse, but only have 20 weeks gestation.

Growth Rate & Stages

15 years to be adults. They are getting higher, their hands are getting bigger to hold heavier things.

Ecology and Habitats

Enough water and enough food. Consummer and procreater.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Veggies, meat, fruits. Usually they are using tools to hunt animals, then they will set up fire to eat cooked meat.   For protecting meat, they prefer season them with pepper and salt.

Biological Cycle

Usually they have ability to storage food, especially in winter. Their body get bit bigger to storage fat or energy through winter time.

Additional Information

Social Structure



(Communication well with others)

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Money maker, Technology developer, food procreater

Facial characteristics

hair less on face exept mustashes from ears to chin.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Almost everywhere in this world but south east part

Average Intelligence


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They speak langages, listen from other people or sound, some of them will have ability to use and feel magics.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms


Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Depends on their different languages.   Usually, as a marriage man, his middle name will be added as his wife's last name. The wife keeps her name even she's married.   Sons or daughter's last name come from father, their first name given by mother.

Major Organizations


Beauty Ideals

They will decorate with makeups, clothes, jewelries, tattoos, and with different hair-styles

Gender Ideals

Most of the males are doing heavy work, and most of the females are procreating.

Courtship Ideals

fantacies, stable family, friendly, make others feel confortable.

Relationship Ideals

Non-aggression, friendly, enough communication and understadning.

Average Technological Level

Arcane Laser Power, Time Freezer

Major Language Groups and Dialects


Common Etiquette Rules

Praying for their peoject doing.

Common Dress Code

Casual, usually.   For funerals or meeting. Wearing suits minimum.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Arcane hand-written runes, churches, scriptures

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals


Common Taboos

Killing, stealing, bullying, making someothers feel discused.


existed in 3000 B.C.

Historical Figures

Casting Master

Common Myths and Legends

The Myth of Casting Master

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They are smug and think that terrans are the dominated species in this world.
Scientific Name
Classes 1 (Land), Tier 2 (might be harmful, but can be trained)
North East of Ch'lores
200 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
1.2~2.4 Meters
Average Weight
40~130 kg
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Related Ethnicities

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