The Apocalypse and the Coalition of Gods Organization in Cevasia | World Anvil
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The Apocalypse and the Coalition of Gods

It is said that almost 20'000 years ago, during the Lost Ages, Tharizdun moved to destroy all life on Cevasia and to shutter the multiverse in chaos. That is the time when Sarenrae decided that Tharizdun would have to be defeated, and gathered under her banners an unlikely collection of gods: Abadar, Asmodeus, Calistria, Selune, Dou-Bral, Erastil, Melora, Pelor, Pharasma, and Torag, to name just a few. Initially even Bahamut and Tiamat allied with this coalition, but their relationship was so sour and their mutual hatred so strong that they resumed battling soon after, removing them entirely from the rest of the war. Corellon Larethian and Lolth could not bear the sight of one another and instead focused on protecting their people in sacred woods connected to the Feywild and Arcadia and in the Underground by the use of potent magic respectively. Many gods died in this battle, but their names have been forgotten; certainly the gods who sided with the Rough Beast will never be remembered. Calistria lured Tharizdun to Cevasia and distracted him while Torag and the ancient god of war forged the shell of the Molten Vault and Pharasma imbued it with potent wards against escape. Sarenrae then sliced open a rift on Cevasia's surface, sending Tharizdun stumbling into the Dead Vault. Dou-Bral immpaled him with the Star Towers that prevented him from hearing prayers, and the archdevil Asmodeus bound him with a key crafted by Abadar that only the Lord of the Nine Hells could turn. Sarenrae then repaired the rift, leaving behind a smooth scar and instructed her followers to avoid it. The place of the scar is now forgotten by untold eras.


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