Bahamut Organization in Cevasia | World Anvil
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Titles and monickers: The Platinum Dragon, Justicemaker, Draco Paladin, the God of Dragons, King of the Good Dragons, the Justice Bringer, Lord of the North Wind, Lord of Pure Incantations   Areas of concern: Justice, dragons, knights, wisdom   Followers: Metallic dragons, paladins, inquisitors, kings   Domains: Knowledge, War and Tempest   Alignment: Lawful Good   Bahamut is the deity of metallic dragons, and currently the only known platinum dragon in existence. He is a sworn enemy of Tiamat, the Scaled Tyrant, who is the queen of the chromatic dragons. Bahamut is stern and promotes crusades against evil. He accepts no excuses for evil acts, and does not tolerate even minor offenses by evil creatures. In spite of his stance, he is also considered one of the most compassionate beings in the multiverse. He holds limitless empathy for the downtrodden, the dispossessed, and the helpless.   By draconic standards, Bahamut is neither vain nor desirous of treasure. He values wisdom, knowledge, incantations, and songs instead. However, he also pursues viciously (directly or sending his champions and followers) criminals and thieves as, after all, he is a god of justice.    Bringing wholeness, making things right, is at the heart of Bahamut's justice. His tenets show people how to do both justice and good, rightness and compassion. After all, Bahamut's goodness is seen in both his amazing justice and his amazing grace. For this reason, Bahamut is one of the gods most close to the divine rule of pious kings and of those who hold dear the ancient codes of chivalry.


The Church of Bahamut is present everywhere, but since the fall of the Realm of Marduk has lost most of its influence. Still, it remains dear to many dynastic rulers and to a great wealth of paladin orders. Every major capital in Cevasia has at least one cathedral for the Platinum Dragon, and to worship Him is a proud thing for many errant knights. The Church is still widespread in Zalia, especially in her most remote provinces, but the Church of Sarenrae has otherwise occupied its previous place. The Church of Bahamut is especially worshipped in Brumia, as He is seen as the archetype of chivalry. Since Bahamut is the Lord of Pure Incantations, Bahamut is admired and worshipped by some devout wizards, especially those of elven background, and by most of good-willed sorcerers who feel the magnitude of wiedling draconic powers and want to do so for the greater good.

Mythology & Lore

Bahamut came into existence alongside Tiamat when the first dragons were born, although in those ancient times he was known as Xymor by his dragon followers and Marduk by mortals. His origins were highly conflicting, however, as there were many accounts about how he came into being. In the more commonly accepted traditions, he was the son of Asgorath and brother of Tiamat; while in the traditions of gold dragon society he was believed to be the son of Lendys and Tamara. Myths from the dragonborn claimed instead that Bahamut and Tiamat were born from the sundered corpse of a dead overdeity (the name by which dragonborn do not speak). Some sages speculate that this was because gold dragons believed Bahamut was once a gold dragon whose great goodness caused him to transcend his golden form and become a unique dragon breed.   Bahamut and Tiamat are told to have been siblings or former lovers, but are now engaged in a millennial war between them. Their fight was so fierce that they continued battling even when Tharizdun threathened the world and a coalition of otherwise opposing gods united to fight him: some scholars claim that Bahamut and Tiamat did in fact try to reach a compromise to halt their hostilities in order to defeat Tharizdun, but that their relationship was already so sour that they ended up resuming their fight in a matter of minutes. Followers of Bahamut claim that this is because of Tiamat's blinding rage and hatred of the Platinum Dragon.   Whatever the truth, his cult grew rapidly in the communities of metallic dragons, especially among young gold dragons and dragonborn, and after the fall of the Draconic Empire, Bahamut was held as the patron deity of the ancient Realm of Marduk.

Tenets of Faith

1. Stand as a paragon of honor and justice.   2. Smite evil wherever it is found, yet show compassion to those who have strayed from righteousness.   3. Defend the weak, bring freedom to those without, and protect the ideals of just order.   These actions are anathema to Bahamut: to oppress the meek, to ignore the cry of those who suffer, to mar good deed with ill intentions.


Bahamut is known for being quick to show his disapproval to any of his paladins and clerics by retracting their powers. To be left without divine powers is a moment of truth for many of his followers. It is said that Bahamut grants and revokes them to test and cull them: those who are weak or do good only expecting a reward turn their back to Bahamut, while those who keep a righteous conduct are exalted once more. This results in a somewhat weak Church, but one that is tolerant towards those that, paladin or cleric, fall from grace. It is a moment of test, and they are encouraged to venture alone and come back as heroes. Even those who fail are not necessarily banned from the strong bond of cameraderie that is common amongst Bahamut devotees.


Temples to Bahamut were rare, as the Platinum Dragon doesn't appreciate being honored by objects, taking into account deeds instead. The few temples that were made to honor him are beautiful and elegant buildings with simple furniture and no embellishment or adornment. Those temples have meeting rooms where followers could gather to plan their next campaign against Tiamat and her followers, and a few smaller rooms where individuals could pray, meditate, or rest in privacy. This reflect the relevance of paladins over clerics in his following.


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