Enna Character in Cerilia | World Anvil
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Princess Enna Larosath (a.k.a. Princess)

Profile picture - From Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Enna isn't wearing much in the way of clothing, but it's obvious based on what she's carrying that she's a sailor. She's well toned and as an intimidating demeanour.

Body Features

Enna's body has a few scares here and there from learning new trades. Aside from that her body is toned and well worked from her time as the Bosun.

Facial Features

Enna is fairly pretty but her permanent scroll on her face often scares many off.

Identifying Characteristics

As if a mark of royalty a crown grows out of her forehead. A sign of her Bloodline and Blooded status.

Special abilities

Enna as a Triton and member of royalty can cast a few spells:
  • Fog Cloud
  • Gust Wind
  • Wall of Water
She is resistant to the cold and poisons as combination from living in the deep of the bay and then working with pirates. She has a great connection with aquatic creature and can communicate her own ideas with them as long as they are simple.   Working with pirates and having to defend her new found family, Enna has become an expert in working through damage and dealing it back. When she takes a large hit, her temper snaps and reacts by hurting them badly in turn. This makes her proficient in intimidating others in battle and resisting fear, paralysing, petrifying, stunning or poisoned affects. She can even move to disarm a creature with her attack instead of damaging them.

Apparel & Accessories

Enna wears very little since it feels physically suffocating on her. Her weapon of choice is her Great sword and Longbow.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Enna doesn't share her history with many people. She is a very private person.   The youngest daughter to the King Under the Bay, Enna has several older siblings that are due to take the throne long before her. As one of the younger children she was due to be married off for political purposes, however Enna had other ideas for her future. The pirates of the bay were often the bane of her parents' affairs. Enna didn't look at them with the same loathing from below. Instead she was curious.   Often, whenever Enna would take an unescorted excursion away from the the palace and into the artisan's district. Of all the districts she couldn't help but admire their work and skill. The community in this district was kind but firm. They shared tales and encouraged people to take action with their lives and learn. Many of the artisan's tales were of trading with the land dwellers, sailors and even pirates.   Upon request and using the allowance her position afforded her, a few took the time to show her how to make some of her own work. The jewellers were the first to share their skills. Enna was sure that learning such skills would be fitting for her station and wouldn't make anyone too suspicious. However, over time she wanted to learn more and more until eventually her parents found out about her trips to the districts.   The artisans were all punished for their interactions with Enna. This injustice was the final straw. Enna did not think it fair that people who worked so hard should be treated like their knowledge and skill was somehow beneath the nobility of their city.   Enna told her parents she would never return to the city again as long as they treat others as if they were somehow less just because of their social class. Her parents locked Enna away with her precious artisans as if she to teach her a lesson for aligning herself with them over her place with her family. This awoke something in Enna as she used her voice of authority for the first time in her life, organising the prisoners and leading a break out. After her and the artisan's were free she directed them to head for land and she would head for the open bay so they wouldn't be caught together. Upon reaching the surface of the water, she boarded the first boat she found and demanded that they take her on.   This boat was Masela's Fury. A pirate boat underneath the Dread Pirate Captain Erin Lamvin. The Captain seemed to like something about Enna and after a very private discussion in the captain's quarters about who Enna was and her past, the Captain agreed to take her on.   Over many months Enna worked her way up from being a member of the night crew to being an officer. She learned from the Bosun, who died in an attack about six months after Enna joined and Enna took over the ship's Bosun.   Her parents have sent many people to collect her, but the crew and their captain have made it clear that if Enna does not want to return then she does not have to. Sometimes violence is used.


Uninterested in everyway.


As a member of royalty Enna has had the finest education and tutors. However, the only education she values is what the artisan's gave her.


Enna has been working the last few years on the Dread Pirate Captain Erin Lamvin's crew. She has worked her way up to Bosun and after their original First Mate betrayed the crew Enna has agreed to temporarily take her place while training a new Bosun.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Her greatest personal achievement was breaking away from her family.

Failures & Embarrassments

Enna look upon the punishment of the artisan's as a failure on her part to affect her own society in a positive way. It was an injustice for them to be punished for expanding her view on the world.

Mental Trauma

Being the youngest of a large royal family meant a lot of neglect and being left in isolation, especially when her views clashed with her family, like she didn't belong.

Intellectual Characteristics

Enna is not the smartest, but she has a simple view of the world where books don't count for everything when there so much more others can teach you.

Personality Characteristics


Enna believes it is important to be self-driven and to connect with nature. She believes you should treat others as greater than yourself.

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes people who use their social status as a way to demean others.   Likes hard work and connection with others.

Virtues & Personality perks

Enna is very careful with her money. She's a strong and resilient warrior who cares deeply for those on the crew even if she doesn't show it in a kind manner since she believes in tough love.

Vices & Personality flaws

Enna doesn't ask for help even when she should. Instead she hides away in her room to try and work through it herself. This has ended poorly at times when she has passed out due to illness and hit her head hard.


Family Ties

Enna technically has a family, but she counts the crew as her family. Her family is something she will always put first. 
  • Erin, the Captain, is like the older sister she needed but occasionally needs someone to watch her back. 
  • Wave, the annoying little brother with a habit of pranks. 
  • Erdad is a mother who often complains she is too skinny.

Religious Views

Having lived in the middle of the Great Bay where the Awnshegh known as the Kraken lives. Many pray to it in hopes it won't attack them, Enna included. However, she also prays to Niera for safe travels in the sea.

Social Aptitude

Introverted and very standoffish. She's very confident in her abilities. She can be charismatic but often chooses to stay silent.

Wealth & Financial state

Enna doesn't have much a feels weird accepting anything special. Often she spends her pay on others or investing in artisans at ports.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Honorary & Occupational Titles
While technically a princess, she doesn't think of herself as royalty. Now it's used as a nickname from the Captain.
Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
green eyes
Long white with some black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
bluish green scales
467 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You do anything to put our family at risk and I'll use you as the figure head of this boat. King or not." - A promise to the new Pirate King.
Enna prays to Niera and the Kraken
Aligned Organization


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