Lake Keelrey Geographic Location in Cephra | World Anvil
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Lake Keelrey

Sitting at the lowest point in Quaregrune, and stretching over 380 miles at its widest, Keelrey is a saltwater lake surrounded on three sides by Iesweytonshire. It’s fed primarily by the ocean via the Rhydweli river, which runs South from the Meredydd Bay near the Ieswey capital, Invemingwe. The southern coast of the lake lies within the Kingdom of Oscheya.   Multiple seasonal and freshwater rivers also feed into Keelrey, often mixing salt and fresh water, creating a series of brackish water zones around the lake. The largest of these zones, and the only one to remain year-round, is at the mouth of the Frohninberg river, which runs north from Oscheya and empties into the lake near the town of Todtingen.  
“Almost impossibly – as if through an unknown will to live – these cypress rise from an otherwise grave environment. The brackish zone: twenty miles inland by forty miles wide following the Keelrey coast, and dead to my eyes… though if the trees have learned to survive, I suspect other creatures have as well… and my eyes have deceived me before. I must investigate further.”
-As Translated from the Diary of Johannes Seemensch
While not a source for clean water, Keelrey does supply food to lakeside communities and serve as a superhighway for trade. Local Keelrey Cuisine often features different kinds of fish, mollusks, crustaceans, and underwater flora like seaweed. Nearly three quarters of all goods transported in Quaregrune are at some point shipped on Lake Keelrey.


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