Iesweytonshire Organization in Cephra | World Anvil
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Iesweytonshire (ees-WHEY-tin-shur)

Located in North, central Quaregrune, Iesweytonshire is approximately 1300 miles from its northernmost point to its southernmost, and about the same at its widest point east to west.
Northern and coastal Iesweytonshire are dotted with deciduous forests and seasonal flora. The south and inland regions are mostly hilly grasslands and farms.
The original ethnic group of the region is human, however there are pockets of halfling and elven communities.
The economy is dominated by agriculture, fishing, and logging of its northern forests. Invemingwe operates as the main port and hub for nearly 68% of all imports and exports, both from the sea and from Lake Keelrey via the Rhydweli river.


Iesweytonshire consists of a loose network of 10 individual clans called "cenedl."1 Each cenedl has has a seat at the Council of Ieswey, which represents the alliance of the 10 cenedl and acts as a deterrent to infighting and a way to maintain Iesweytonshire's power in Quaregrune. The council meets in the Capital city of Invemingwe which also serves as the capital for Cenedl Meredydd at the mouth of the Rhydweli river.   The 10 Cenedl are listed alphabetically as follows
  1. Cenedl Collen
  2. Cenedl Dee
  3. Cenedl Hrodebert
  4. Cenedl Hrodgar
  5. Cenedl Ial
  6. Cenedl Llywelyn
  7. Cenedl Mawr
  8. Cenedl Meredydd
  9. Cenedl Owain
  10. Cenedl Rhys


  • Inland, agrarian communities rely on grains and domesticated poultry for food.
  • The coastal communities are closely tied to the bodies of water where they live, relying on fish, shellfish, aquatic flora like seaweed. However, there are notable differences in preparation techniques between the oceanside and lakeside cuisine.
  • Inland communities tend to create with natural fibers and dyes. Products include but aren't limited to natural fiber cloth, baskets, tapestries, and other goods.
  • Both lakeside and oceanside coastal communities often focus creative efforts on what can be crafted from the wide variety of items found near their corresponding body of water. Things like shells, rocks, fish bones, and driftwood are common, and a unique technique of sanding and bleaching stones and shells with sea salt can be seen in the Rhydweli river and northeastern lake regions.
  • The coastal and northern forests are also a source of inspiration and materials. Carpentry has become a highly prized skill on par with master weapon forging and scholarly pursuits, and many carpenters have achieved upper middle-class wealth and social standing because of their work.
  • Because of the vast, sprawling grasslands and subtle hills, original music in inland communities is generally designed to be heard over long distances and tends to lack lyrics and be wind and reed heavy.
  • Music from coastal communities consists of spoken and sung shanties and epic stories, usually accompanied with some sort of stringed instrument made from wood and fish gut or horsehair strings.
      1. Pronounced Ken-EDT-el


~ 3M  


Invemingwe, Cenedl Meredydd  

Governing Body

Council of Iswey  

Local currency

Political, Confederation

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