The Rainbow Blade Item in Celdaro | World Anvil
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The Rainbow Blade

A sword with a glowing and radiant blade, the Rainbow Blade puts many famous swords to shame. It's appearance is matched only by its capabilities in the hands of its well-traveled and mysterious wielder. Its sheath and handle are a sleek black, with an accent of silver on the small cross guard. The colors in the blade swirl and seem to change before the eyes. The color that dominates it and the energy it fires is white, with a collection of other hues and shades speckled throughout it.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The sword is a conduit for the Rainbow Butterfly. The Butterfly can control the magical energy that was used to create the world and still flows through it as a means of keeping it together. The raw energy can be used as a devastating weapon or as fuel for other magical attacks.


One of the first two Hunter weapons in existence. Personal weapon of The Rainbow Swordsman.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder
Related Technologies
Owning Organization


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