Arsgiel Character in Celdaro | World Anvil
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Arsgiel Bael

The second highest ranking general in The Blackened Horde, Arsgiel is an aggressive and bloodthirsty general. His tactics hold victory as the only priority in battle, making him a powerful contender against the The Divine Host. Arsgiel has a fierce rivalry with Halphas for the position of

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

A pair of swords taken from a high ranking Seraph are always at his side.


Contacts & Relations

Constantly attempts to usurp or undermine the power of Halphas and become the undisputed general of the Horde. Sees Halphas as both a rival and annoying obstacle, he holds a grudge against him for his wise actions leading to fame and even praise from their Master. Sees The Destroyer in a father-like manner, Arsgiel wants to please and serve his Master well.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Run these worms into the ground! This day, we'll have a victory over that damn Halphas!" - Arsgiel barking orders to his subordinates
Aligned Organization


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