Melyn Kin Ethnicity in Cava Nox | World Anvil

Melyn Kin

The Melyn Kin is a species of aggressive spider-like Sarborcoda. Their behavior and the sheer amount of them, causes fear among the other sarborcoda and humans alike.  


The Melyn Kin possess four main legs and typically have only one glowing yellow eye. Their elongated and spindly appearance sets it apart from the others and their size varies widely, with some individuals rivaling the size of The Goch Kin.  


The Melyn Kin are often found in clusters, with sightings of a single individual often indicating the presence of others nearby. Their violent and chaotic behavior often results in indiscriminate attacks on anything in their path, making negotiations with the species difficult. The only exception is their leader Lapatael, who may be more receptive to negotiation.  


Since the arrival of humans, the Melyn Kin have actively sought to hunt them down, even attempting to sabotage the human settlement. Any sightings of the them are to be immediately reported back to Sanctuary.
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