The Myths of Evolution and Chaos Myth in Cathrea | World Anvil

The Myths of Evolution and Chaos

The Prophecy
I see, so that is the prophecy i was waiting on. What could be the meaning of this? What does it mean "Cog"? What era and most importantly, what... scroll?
— Ravyrio, Oracle of Time and Space


The Myth of Evolution and Chaos is a collection of possible interpretations of the original prophecy.

Historical Basis

Ravyrio, Oracle of Time and Space, a transcendental being which can manipulate time and space to minor extents, received The Prophecy of Evolution and Chaos through a high level of spiritual wisdom and great sacrifices. She had to give up her humanity and limit her potential as a spiritualist to reach a higher realm of cultivation faster. This allowed her to receive the words of the unknown and go on a journey she knew, she could never return from. The oracle is now exploring the vast realms of Cathrea in hopes of finding the eight heroes described in the prophecy.


The Myths of Evolution and Chaos are highly unknown, and would throw the entirety of Cathrea in panic if ever published. The only person, if one can even call her that, is Ravyrio.

Variations & Mutation

An Independent Magical World

That prophecy, could it be... powers turning into dust... a scripture... five brave heroes... could it be, that these adventurers will free this world from the gods clutches and reform this cursed realm into glory? Something feels off...
— Ravyrio, Oracle of Time and Space

The Cog

What exactly does this 'Cog' reference? A cog, a mechanical component used for building non-magical clocks and other small contraptions. What could possibly be so great about cogs, that they have their place in such a profound prophecy? What if they have even more uses than even I know of?
— Ravyrio, Oracle of Time and Space

Shift of Destiny

'In search for destiny', 'Which destiny the future holds'... I can see the destinies of every organism in the Avemoorian Solar System, and not once have I seen a person who can change destiny. THis would be groundbreaking. The dark forces and the adventuring party, hmm. If these heroes are capable of changing destiny, there is no other way than to find those mortals and guide them as best as I can.
— Ravyrio, Oracle of Time and Space
Date of First Recording
1st of the Eighth Blessing, 1582

Cover image: by ecl1psed


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