Stories from Within the Shadows of Dead Gods in Cathedris | World Anvil

Cathedris Themesong

Stories from Within the Shadows of Dead Gods

Read what it's like to live in this dark world

Cathedris is slowly coming to life with stories being told in dark corners across the globe; located below within this article are a series of links that will take you to various different articles with bits of story and flash fiction within them. Some of these stories are interconnected, some even have recurring characters -- all of them will shine a new light on what it's like to live in this dark, dangerous world.
— Stormbril

Articles with "Prose Boxes"

These articles have large portions of prose within them in a signature prose box, used to explain or describe parts of the article through flash or micro fiction. In most, the prose is a secondary component of the article, but in others its the primary focus.


Articles that are "Story Forward"

While not exactly containing prose, these articles are heavily story "focused" -- they might tell a tale through it, be in the form of a children's book, or feature extensive use of quotes to tell a conversation through the article.


Cover image: by Nate Isaac


Author's Notes

Thank you for taking the time to read and interact <3   If you've read a few and it's an easy question to answer, which bit of prose/fiction is your favourite out of the options above?

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