Castores Ueusugi Dynasty

Ueusugi Dynasty

Era beginning/end

2607/3 AI
2808/3 AI

Following a second invasion from Xhalandar, one of the four Fengese Kingdom achieves dominance.

As seems to follow period of division in Xiang Feng, the Four Kingdoms Period came to an end with an invasion from Xhalandar. This time the merchant kings had the Golden Legion, the renowned as the greatest fighting force in the world.   While the threat was greater than before, the Xiang Feng was now fortified, and its citizenry were educated and trained to repel invaders. The Four Kingdoms afforded eachother a temporary truce. In the end, Xiang Feng won more through numbers than quality, for the Golden Legion was not to be underestimated. The Legion however eventually proved too expensive for a drawn out foreign invasion and was forced to withdraw.   With their homeland defended, the Four Kingdoms were enemies once more, however the Ueusugi, the northernmost Kingdom, was the least impacted by the conflict, and easily beat their beleaguered rivals. Still, for their bravery on the field, the Ueusugi Emperor allowed his former rivals to keep their lands in a show of benevolence, provided they swore fealty to him.   In 397/3 AI, Ahmed headed east. The Fengese were at first wary of the arrivals. An army of such size had never marched upon their mountain strongholds in the name of peace rather than war.   However the Emperor allowed them entrance into their cities in hopes of better understanding the foreigners. Ultimately Xiang Feng would not be lending its forces to Ahmed's movement, though agreed not to oppose it either. They merely considered Ahmed's forces too warlike, and with their little paradise they did not suffer the same trials as the rest of the world. It also didn't help that Lorath Wind, Ahmed's bastard, was rumored to have had developed a thing with the Emperor's daughter.   In 406/3 AI, the imperial family was assassinated by the Emperor's brother. Appearing legitimate through deception, the brother assassinated any servants and retainers who suspected foul play and has waged a secret war with Uesugi Hiromitsu, the Emperor's surviving son, since.

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